2019 Bucket List

And just like that, another year is over. At the start of the year we created a Bucket List of things we would like to do, places we’d like to visit and things we would like to achieve. We’ve done it for the last few years and it’s great for helping us to really get more out of each year.

So here’s how we got on with this year’s Bucket List:

Spend a Day in Windsor

Last weekend, right at the end of the year, we spent a day in Windsor as a family for the first time. We went to Windsor Castle and it was such a nice day, even in the winter.

Holiday Somewhere New and Have a City Break

We spent May half term in Rome and although it wasn’t new to Dave and I it was definitely new to the children – and a new experience for us as a family. We had a lovely week, walking miles, seeing the sights and eating our body weight in ice cream.

Go Climbing

At the start of the year we had a weekend at Solent Hotel and Spa and realised Rock Up was on our doorstep – so we took the opportunity to tick this one off the list. It was a great activity to do as a family – and the first time we’d tried it! It’s something we’ll be doing regularly in the future.

Learn Trapeze

I would love to learn trapeze one day – or even have a trapeze lesson – but this year wasn’t the year for that!

Go to Pembroke Castle

This has been bumped over to next year – we just didn’t make it to Wales this year.

See the Angel of the North

And we didn’t make it that far North either!

Go to Diggerland

In the Easter holidays we went to Diggerland for the first time and the children loved it. They got to drive diggers, dig in the mud with diggers and even knock things over with diggers! It was every child’s dream.

Go on a Steam Train

In February half term when we had a couple of nights in Newquay we took the children on the Bodmin and Wenford Steam Railway. It was a 45 minute round trip on a real life steam train and Little Man was beside himself. It was such a lovely thing for us to do as a family.

Go to Scotland

We didn’t make it to Scotland – maybe next year?

Visit the National Space Centre

This didn’t happen either!

Pay off our Car Loan

We juggled our finances around a couple of months ago and paid off so many little things that had been outstanding. It felt really good to clean the slate!

Visit Snowdonia

This has been bumped across to the 2020 list.

Do a Charity Abseil and do the London Bridges Challenge

This year started with so many aims to do so many worthy things but sadly these didn’t work out. None of the dates we found worked for us or they weren’t charities we would want to raise money for – we had others we’d prefer to fundraise for.

Plant More Strawberries

The children and I planted some more strawberry plants one afternoon in the spring. I bought them incredibly cheaply from Groupon and yet they have done really well so far this year.

Go to a Festival

Can you believe we still haven’t been to a family festival. Next year. Definitely!

Visit Harry Potter Sites of the UK

This is something we have started doing this year but it’s something that will take us years to complete. I’m hoping to tick off some more Harry Potter sites next year!

Do a Try-Dive

I didn’t have the opportunity to do a Try-Dive on holiday this year so I’m hoping I’ll tick this off in the Caribbean next summer!

Do a Junior Keeper Experience

This was something we looked at for Little Man’s birthday but realised the best Junior Keeper Experiences are for 8+ so we’ll be saving this one for a couple of years.

Have a Photoshoot

In January I kicked off the year organising for a lovely friend to take some photos of me when I visited Colette in Manchester. The photos are just what I wanted – they look like me, not staged and nice and relaxed.

Go to a new Zoo

When we were in Mauritius over the summer we visited Casela Nature Park which was a pretty great zoo to experience. We got to feed giant tortoises, giraffes and ostriches and the children loved it.

Go on a Boat

When we went to Rome we hired a rowboat in the Borghese Gardens and had just the best twenty minutes. It was such a lovely experience and something everyone visiting Rome should do.

Run 5k

I did the Tough Mudder Urban which was a 5k course. Does that count? Other than that I haven’t run 5k. I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to run 5k and, you know what? THat doesn’t bother me.

Go to a new English Heritage Site

When we visited Diggerland we stopped off in Rochester on the way home and went to Rochester Castle, and English Heritage site that we hadn’t been to before. It gave amazing views over the Medway area and was just the right balance of castle and ruin. It’s well worth a visit.

Go to a Farm

In February half term we took a trip to Lee Valley Park Farms and had a really lovely day. The children got to feed animals, do so much playing and learn more about farm life too.

Have a Pedicure

This probably seemed like such an odd thing to put on my bucket list but, 18 months ago my toenail fell off so I had to go a whole summer without a pedicure. This year I couldn’t wait to have a pedicure again – and I had it done ready for our summer holiday.

Go Ice Skating and Go Bowling

Can you believe that in the last year we haven’t done either? It’s often the simple things we forget to do in favour of the big weekends away. We have managed to go to the cinema quite a lot though!

Celebrate 10 Years

We celebrated ten years of marriage with our trip to Rome. Dave and I last went ten years ago, just before our wedding and so it was lovely to go back with the children.

Watch 10 of the 100 Greatest Movies

We’ve been ticking off movies on our scratch off posted and have finally watched ten of them – and it took much longer than I expected!

Go to a new National Trust

At the start of the year we ventured to Hardwick Hall in Derbyshire, a National trust site we had never been to before. We went to it to kick off Harry Potter locations tour of the UK – and it was great to visit the real life Malfoy Manor.

Go to Telford

Just before Christmas 2017 we went to Telford for a weekend. We did so much and saw a lot of the local area. But, we were left disappointed to see that Ironbridge was covered in scaffolding and we couldn’t see it in all it’s glory. So, on our way back from our holiday in Staffordshire we stopped off in Ironbridge and finally saw the Iron Bridge unveiled! What a sight it was – and definitely worth waiting nearly 18 months for.

Go for a Bike Ride

We took the children to Virginia Water at the start of the year for a bike ride and, despite still needing stabilisers, they both did so well. Their confidence on bikes is growing massively and we’re going to be going out with them and their bikes as much as possible over the spring and summer.

Have a Weekend in London

We had an amazing weekend in London last year but this year we didn’t have the time. Next year we might just make it to London again.

Take Lavender Photos

I put this on the list to be a proper blogger. But, I’ve realised this year I don’t actually need photos in lavender, pumpkin fields or anything else to make me feel like more of a blogger. I’m pretty happy as I am.

Stay in a Lodge

We started the year with a weekend in the Peak District where we stayed at Darwin Forest. It was such a nice break away and a great way to finish the Christmas holidays.

Go to Crealy

We have somehow managed to go the whole year without visiting Crealy. We realised it’s too far really for a day out and didn’t get the time to go for a short break so we’ll be penciling in a weekend there as soon as can next year!

Go to York

We didn’t get to York this year but we have already made plans to visit that part of the country next year. Fingers crossed I finally make it down those cobbled streets and to Betty’s tea room!

Swim in the Sea

We swam in the sea on holiday in Mauritius and it was bliss! It was such a great holiday and swimming was a huge part of it.

Learn Something New

I feel like I have learnt so much this year but nothing big that I can put here. I’ve learnt to manage my time better, have time off and be present. So that all feels like a good job done.

Organise the Shed

At the start of the year we bought a lot of shelving for the shed and organised it really well. We’ve now put all the garden furniture in there over Christmas.

Help at School

I helped with the sponsored pancake flip at school in February and I’m hoping to start reading with the children at school soon. I just need to work out a bit of a weekly routine first!

Get a New Door

We paid a deposit on a new front door – but they decided after eight weeks of back and forth that they couldn’t actually provide the door we’d paid for. So we’re back on the hunt for a front door and hopefully will get one at the start of next year.

Get New Garden Furniture

We realised this year that we should probably make our patio a little bigger now we’ve lived with it for a couple of years since our extension was finished. The space doesn’t work as well as it could so, before buying new furniture, we want to plan the space a little better and do some work on the patio. Then we’ll get new furniture.

Do the ‘Things before you’re 11 and ¾’ List  

This list is something else we’ve started this year – but it will take years to finish! I’ll keep you updated on the progress!

Stay at Crazy Bear

This didn’t happen – maybe next year?

Get a Ring Doorbell

We have bought a Ring doorbell – we just haven’t fitted it yet as we’re waiting for our new front door!

See the Sun Rise

I got up to see the sun rise at the Flea Retreat this year – but it was so foggy that we couldn’t actually see anything. The thought was there.

Look at the Stars

I am always making more of a conscious effort to take in things like the stars but we haven’t actually had a star gazing session this year. We’ll try harder next year.

Go Skiing

I’ve realised this year that I’m actually not that fussed about going skiing. I think it would require far too much coordination! It’s something we’ll save for a later date.

Watch 24

We haven’t watched 24 this year but we have watched so many amazing TV shows – and even started watching ER again.

Go to a Circus

We went to Squire’s Christmas Circus this year and also to the Blackpool Tower Circus a few months ago. That was incredible! Such a great experience – and great value too!

See Someone new in Concert

We went to see George Ezra in concert at the O2 and it was one of the best gigs we have ever been to. His voice is incredible and he was just so appreciative that the audience had all paid to see him sing. You could tell that he was as in awe of being in London, playing for so many people as we all were at seeing him sing. Paradise will go down as one of my favourite live music moments to date.

See Live Music with the Kids

We haven’t been to a concert or festival with the children this year but we have been to a lot of community carol concerts and theatre products with live music.

Go to the Theatre

We went to two pantomimes this year – Aladdin and Robin Hood plus I went to the theatre with Lauren a few months ago and saw Everybody’s Talking About Jamie.

Have a Christmas Party

This didn’t happen. By the time Christmas came round I would have loved to go to a Christmas party but couldn’t be bothered to organise one!

And, just like that, 2019 is a wrap! I feel like we achieved so much despite not ticking a few things off this year.

I’ll be publishing our 2020 Bucket List soon but for now you can see our previous Bucket Lists here: 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015 and 2014.


  • Donna Wishart is married to Dave and they have two children, Athena (13) and Troy (11). They live in Surrey with their two cats, Fred and George. Once a Bank Manager, Donna has been writing about everything from family finance to days out, travel and her favourite recipes since 2012. Donna is happiest either exploring somewhere new, with her camera in her hand and family by her side or snuggled up with a cat on her lap, reading a book and enjoying a nice cup of tea. She firmly believes that tea and cake can fix most things.

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One Comment

  1. what a year! your children have such amazing memories to look back on already!
    as someone who lives around 20 minutes from the Angel of the North, it’s not worth the trip. it’s just at the side of the motorway. If you’re travelling up here anyway, it’s worth a stop, but so many better things to see and do, especially in Northumberland.

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