Our Driving Adventures | AD

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I remember when we first got our car, back when Little Man was a year old and when we needed something bigger than our old little, before-kids car. We needed space in the boot for shopping, a double buggy and all the things you take with you on self catering holidays. So we invested in a new car.

Our Driving Adventures

Little Man is now five and he doesn’t remember a time before our ‘shiny car’. It has always been there and it has been a fixture of pretty much every adventure we have been on. The children are very much accustomed to long car journeys now – it’s a way of life, something so ordinary and something we do so often, jumping in the car for a couple of hours and seeing where we end up.

The children usually get a new magazine for a long car journey, watch a DVD and take their favourite cuddly toys with them. Snuggling in blankets on the journey home and making the car into as much of a home from home as they possibly can. I often think they are as at home in the car as they are on the sofa at home – and it’s why we always prefer to drive anywhere than get a train. The children have all their comforts around them, we can change the temperature, put our favourite music on the radio and be in our own little bubble on the open road, passing the hours, and miles, together.

Our Driving Adventures

Our car has taken us to Scotland, it’s taken us to every coast of Wales, it’s driven us to the most southerly part of the UK – and across to the Isle of Wight and it has taken us all the way to Lands End. It has been a car of adventures and it has made it possible for our family to explore so much more of the country than we would have if we had to rely on public transport.

Our Driving Adventures

But now, four years on from when we got the car, and over forty thousand miles on the clock, the car is getting tired. It’s showing signs of wear and tear and I know that really we need to get a new car to make sure that our adventures continue, to make sure we’re all still comfortable in our car shaped bubble and to make sure we keep venturing as far and wide as we possibly can – at every opportunity.

We have been looking at new cars and the SEAT Ateca is high on our list of possible replacements for our beloved ‘shiny car’. The Seat Ateca is so stylish, practical, easy to drive and cost-effective to run making it the perfect family car. Plus, with so many SEAT Ateca deals I know it will be great value for money too.

Our Driving Adventures

But, when I talk to the children about getting a new car they put their sad faces on, stick out their lips and talk about all the adventures our car has taken us on, how much of a constant it’s been in our lives and how much they would miss it if it was gone.

But then, minutes later they talk about how they’d love a ginger car. An orange one to suit our family. That would replace the shiny car and would still take us on so many adventures. They realise that our car doesn’t make our adventures – our family does. Without us, being together, there would be no adventures and the car just helps us along on those journeys.

So our future is looking to be much the same – passing thousands of miles in the car, seeing as much of the country as possible and having adventures – in whatever car we end up buying in the coming months.

Our Driving Adventures


  • Donna Wishart is married to Dave and they have two children, Athena (13) and Troy (11). They live in Surrey with their two cats, Fred and George. Once a Bank Manager, Donna has been writing about everything from family finance to days out, travel and her favourite recipes since 2012. Donna is happiest either exploring somewhere new, with her camera in her hand and family by her side or snuggled up with a cat on her lap, reading a book and enjoying a nice cup of tea. She firmly believes that tea and cake can fix most things.

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  1. Exciting times! We’re desperately trying to hold onto our second car at the moment, it really needs fixing or replacing but the garage can’t find the fault. If they don’t, we might be looking for another one too.

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