
Lascal Buggy Board Maxi Review

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When I was pregnant with Little Man, Dave and I debated whether to get a double pushchair. Most couples pregnant with their second child seem to. With only 20 months between the two children we bought a cheap but heavy and cumbersome double travel system.

LP had only been walking for a couple of months and we knew we would need a double pushchair. Even so, I did prefer to use a single pushchair and have Little Man in a baby carrier for the first few months as our double buggy was so difficult to handle.

Zoom forward a year and we have now had a Cosatto Supa Dupa stroller for the last 6 months. It has served us well and been invaluable. It really did save my sanity when Little Man got too big for the baby carrier. But now LP is nearly a three year old and loves walking. It’s a fight to get her in the pushchair and so we were looking at alternative options.

Why did we decide to get the Lascal Buggyboard® Maxi?

Really we had two options. She could walk or we could invest in one of the wheeled boards on the market. I knew that although LP loved walking, her stamina wasn’t great to rely on her walking all the time.

Graco don’t do their own Graco buggy board to fit our current pushchair so we bought a Lascal Buggy Board Maxi after talking to the people at Cheeky Rascals at The Baby Show.

I planned to use buggy boards on our Graco Sky and as it’s a relatively new pushchair it wasn’t listed on the Lascal website. I was unsure whether we would be able to use the Lascal Mini or Maxi boards but Cheeky Rascals confirmed the Maxi board would fit, how to fit it and I ordered the board soon after the show.

Review: Lascal Buggy Board Maxi
Lascal Buggy Board Maxi

How easy was the Buggy Board to fit?

Dave fitted the Maxi buggy board and I won’t lie, there was some swearing involved! But once the buggy board universal connectors from the connector kit are attached to the pushchair you’re free to take the board off and put it on as you need it. One thing to bare in mind though is that as the adapters stay attached to the pushchair. If you are looking to share the buggy board between more than one pushchair you would need to get extra sets of adapters.

Review: Lascal Buggy Board Maxi
Inside the Lascal Buggy Board Maxi box
Review: Lascal Buggy Board Maxi
Lascal Buggy Board Maxi fitted on our Graco Sky

How did we find the Buggy Board?

Once the universal buggy board was in place on the pushchair LP loved it. She jumped on and off happily and was more than comfortable to stay on the board walking into town, wandering around the shops or for a day out.

Review: Lascal Buggy Board Maxi
Using the Lascal Buggy Board Maxi on the Graco Sky
Review: Lascal Buggy Board Maxi
The Lascal Buggy Board Maxi in action

Is there anything you need to know about the Lascal Buggyboard Maxi?

Things to bare in mind with the baby stroller board are that there needs to be enough headroom for your little one behind the pram. In our case we had to remove the parent tray with cup holders from the Graco Sky. Now LP stands inside the handle. Also, when you walk it is very easy to kick the board. I find that I automatically take smaller steps to compensate. This isn’t an issue but it does make you think about how you’re walking.

Having a toddler ride on a board on the back of a pushchair does change the weight of the pushchair quite considerably too. The balance is different and turning can be harder as well as going up and down kerbs. In these situations I have found it easier to get LP to hop off the board. She gets back on again when we’re on flat, straight ground. The buggy board also makes any journeys slightly noisier with an extra set of plastic wheels moving along but it’s a noise you soon get used to.

Review: Lascal Buggy Board Maxi
Using the Lascal Buggy Board Maxi

What are our overall thoughts of the pushchair stroller board?

The Lascal Buggy Board Maxi is something that I had been considering getting for literally months. I am now so glad that we made the investment. LP is so much happier standing on the board platform and not being in pushchairs. She is getting the opportunity to walk a lot more too. I’m glad we didn’t buy a buggy board when LP was younger. I think that if she’d been using one when Little Man was born it would have been incredibly frustrating and hard work.

Now, at nearly three LP is ready to use a buggy board and more importantly wants to use it. I think a buggy board is something all parents expecting a second child should consider investing in during pregnancy and get it ready for after the birth. It’s a product the whole family will appreciate. The kids are happy, the parents are happy – it’s a complete win!

The Lascal Maxi BuggyBoard has an RRP of £65 and is available on Amazon. There’s now also a pretty awesome Lascal Buggy Board Maxi Plus that has a seat attachment too – RRP £115 and the Lascal BuggyBoard Mini too – RRP £50. You can check Lascal Buggy Board compatibility, fitting guides and find Lascal Buggy Board instructions over on the Lascal website!

Lascal Buggy Board Maxi Review


  • Donna Wishart is married to Dave and they have two children, Athena (13) and Troy (11). They live in Surrey with their two cats, Fred and George. Once a Bank Manager, Donna has been writing about everything from family finance to days out, travel and her favourite recipes since 2012. Donna is happiest either exploring somewhere new, with her camera in her hand and family by her side or snuggled up with a cat on her lap, reading a book and enjoying a nice cup of tea. She firmly believes that tea and cake can fix most things.

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  1. We have one of these, and it was useful for a while until our stroller broke and we couldn’t get the red bits out of the connectors to be in the right position for the new stroller! I can understand paying out for a second set if you have two pushchairs you are alternating between but it made me cross that I’d have to get a new set just because we got a new stroller! So at the moment we just aren’t using it which is a shame because there are times it would be handy.

    1. That sounds really frustrating! Because we’ve only used it on one pushchair I haven’t had this problem – yet! We’ll be using it on a different pushchair soon and if we have the same issue I’ll be adding a big paragraph to this post! x

  2. We have got a buggy board for Lucas for our double baby city jogger and I have a love/hate relationship with it! It’s great for when Lucas gets tired but I can’t walk any massive distance with that and the double…it’s quite a workout and I always catch my feet on it! Having said that we couldn’t have done without it as he is just that little bit to young to walk everywhere and we always have it on as a back up. LP looks quite at home on it and it looks a bit smaller that ours x

  3. We liked our buggy board but also found it noisy and occasionally I would kick but I am short lol. We could keep it attached when folding the pushchair in the boot though so it wasn’t all bad. #triedtested

  4. LP looks like she enjoys being on the buggy board – I’ve always thought they were a good idea for that in-between stage when toddlers mostly want to walk but can’t always manage long distances. I did wonder about kerbs though, but you’ve explained that one!

  5. We’re at this point now of deciding which option is best for us. Henry will be 2 when the baby arrives and I don’t think he will want to sit in a double so it could be the ideal solution but he might not want to ride along on a BB either! X

    1. This board does attach to a lot of double buggies too 🙂 LP was 20 months when Little Man came along and I made do with a sling and single pushchair for a few months before switching to a double and then the buggy board. There’s a solution for everyone but I know that 2 year olds can change their minds every day. Good luck! x

  6. Hi could you tell me if the mini would fit the Graco Sky? I can’t find out anywhere? many thanks Jo : )

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