
Cosatto Supa Dupa Twin Stroller Review

Disclosure: We were sent the featured products for the purpose of this post however all opinions are my own.

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As regular readers will know, I was on the hunt for the perfect double buggy for quite a while. We bought one as an impulse buy when I was pregnant with Little Man and it had it’s positives. Unfortunately though it had a lot of negatives – Far too heavy, not much room in the bottom seat, hard to get up and down kerbs and wouldn’t fit in my car boot unless I took it completely apart – Including removing the wheels.

I have always preferred using a single pushchair and love our Graco Sky – I’ll be hard pressed to find a single that I like quite as much! But there are times when we need a double. As Little Man gets heavier it’s easier to have him in a pushchair than carry him in a baby carrier all the time and LP still doesn’t have the stamina to walk very far.

I had been putting off getting a different pushchair but found a Cosatto Supa Dupa double stroller at the start of the year on Amazon at an amazing price – this is due to the fact that the Boggles design is being discontinued. The Supa Dupa is still very much available in a huge variety of designs to suit every family and lifestyle – Just not in Boggles for very much longer!

So I took a gamble – Having not even tried out the Supa Dupa or tested whether it would fit in our car boot! Luckily I wasn’t disappointed and LP climbed in the box before we’d finished unpacking the stroller and climbed straight in it once we’d put it together – something that didn’t take very long as we literally just had to clip on the hoods!

Review: Cosatto Supa Dupa Twin Stroller

What were our first impressions of the Cosatto Supa Dupa Twin Stroller?

The Supa Dupa stroller had a lot of impressive features that were obvious immediately – Huge hoods that come all the way down over the children, adjustable handle height, independently reclining seats, a multimedia pocket in each hood with a built in speaker, lockable swivel wheels, extendable handles, a clip on cup holder and co-ordinating change bag, bottle carriers and footmuffs as well as a raincover. The Supa Dupa double is packed with features and it’s obvious from the outset that this double stroller has been well designed and thought about with parents and children in mind.

Review: Cosatto Supa Dupa Twin Stroller

How easy is the Cosatto Supa Dupa Twin Stroller to use?

The Cosatto double stroller is incredibly easy to put up and collapse in a standard umbrella fold although Cosatto have included pull rings to make the process a lot less effort. There are also auto locks on each side to keep the stroller together when folded and feet to keep the stroller standing upright when folded too – Great for easy space saving storage – This is a feature I love on our Graco Sky and that I haven’t seen on many other pushchairs so a huge thumbs up to Cosatto for adding these handy little feet – especially on a double stroller!

Pushing the Cosatto Supa Dupa is incredibly smooth and having a baby and toddler of similar weights probably helps this. The Supa Dupa is suitable from newborn and head huggers are included to make it as comfortable as possible. Both sides also lay flat – they have 4 position recline to suit every child. Both seats have viewing windows in so you can peek in on your child when they’re having a snooze – It’d be great if these had a cover over them to stop so much light getting in when they’re sleeping but it isn’t really a big issue.

Review: Cosatto Supa Dupa Twin Stroller

How compact is the Cosatto Supa Dupa Twin Stroller?

The Supa Dupa fits in our boot easily with room to spare and fits in our home a lot easier than a double travel system. I don’t think I would have considered a stroller from newborn but as Little Man was a more robust 8 month old when we started using the Supa Dupa he loved being in it from the off. The footmuffs are great and come really far up both children, great cover that protects from the wind and rain. They also have inbuilt pouches for the children to warm their hands in – Cosatto have really thought of everything. The only downside to the footmuffs is that they aren’t very long to accommodate longer legs – Little Man’s feet are right at the end of his footmuff now at a year old and LP had to bring her legs up quite high to zip the footmuff up. This isn’t ideal and although the footmuffs are a great size to cover a lot of the child they really aren’t long enough to last very long. As it’s now, generally, nicer weather we aren’t using the footmuffs at the moment and doubt they will fit next winter.

Review: Cosatto Supa Dupa Twin Stroller

Were there any negatives with the Cosatto Supa Dupa Twin Stroller?

My initial disappointment with the Cosatto twin stroller was when I saw the shopping baskets – two separate baskets that aren’t very big at all but having taken the Supa Dupa shopping a lot over the last few months the shopping basket isn’t an issue – bags hang on the handles easily and the extending handles have a new use of extending to fit more shopping on! The only thing with the extending handles is once extended they seem a standard height rather than ‘extended’ and even at 5ft 3 I find that I am hunched over slightly pushing the Supa Dupa.

Review: Cosatto Supa Dupa Twin Stroller

LP has previously hated being in shopping trolleys with her Brother and isn’t keen on him being too close to her generally – unless it’s at her choice. I was worried that both children being so close together might be cause for upset between them but I couldn’t have been more wrong. When Little Man’s sleeping LP peeks under his hood at him and tells me to shush – baby sleeping! Each seat is completely individual so even though they are travelling side by side they are in their own area – nothing like sharing a shopping trolley thankfully!

Review: Cosatto Supa Dupa Twin Stroller

What were the best features of the Cosatto Supa Dupa Twin Stroller?

The best thing about the Supa Dupa is that it fits through standard doorways. It feels big to push around as I’m used to a single width buggy but it really isn’t very big at all and maneuvers around shops and town with ease. Before I got the Supa Dupa I hated leaving the house, the thought of putting both children in a huge heavy travel system was enough to put me off going out and for a couple of months I hardly went anywhere. The Supa Dupa has really given me my freedom back and helped the children and I get out of the house a lot more often – At times I think it saved my sanity! But, as it’s not a travel system you can’t attach car seats to the pram frame but it’s perfect if you don’t need car seats on it.

Cosatto pride themselves on being different and creating baby stuff with personality. They definitely live up to it! I’m impressed with the amount of features in the Supa Dupa – I honestly didn’t think there was such a thing as the perfect double buggy – Nothing is ever perfect but I think the Supa Dupa comes pretty close – It really is Super Duper! On top of everything Cosatto give the Supa Dupa – and other products – a four year repair or replace guarantee. That’s longer than most children will need a pushchair for so very impressive and a real selling point! Just after we got the Supa Dupa the zip on my co-ordinating change bag broke. I sent Cosatto a tweet and I was immediately sent a replacement. I really cannot fault their customer service.

Review: Cosatto Supa Dupa Twin Stroller
Review: Cosatto Supa Dupa Twin Stroller

What were our overall thoughts of the Cosatto Supa Dupa Twin Stroller?

After nearly five months of use I still love the Supa Dupa. The shopping baskets aren’t massive – neither are the footmuffs or cosy toes but apart from that it ticks a lot of boxes and they are niggles that I can easily live with. If you’re looking for a double pushchair that will fit through standard doorways, fit in your car boot, be easy to push and look fantastic too then take a look at the Supa Dupa! It’s definitely one of the best double pushchairs we have used. It’s great value for money, easy to steer and the rain cover is simple to fit too. Buying the Supa Dupa would be my ultimate family travel hack!

Cosatto Supa Dupa Twin Stroller


  • Donna Wishart

    Donna Wishart is married to Dave and they have two children, Athena (12) and Troy (11). They live in Surrey with their two cats, Fred and George. Once a Bank Manager, Donna has been writing about everything from family finance to days out, travel and her favourite recipes since 2012. Donna is happiest either exploring somewhere new, with her camera in her hand and family by her side or snuggled up with a cat on her lap, reading a book and enjoying a nice cup of tea. She firmly believes that tea and cake can fix most things.

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  1. We’ve got the older version of this buggy and I love it but I’ve always said it’s lacking in a few areas… this updated version fixes them all. Adjustable handles so that Daddy doesn’t kick the wheels, one hand recline and bigger sunshades are all fabulous additions. I might have to start campaigning for some updated wheels…

  2. I had my eye on the single Cosatto Supa when I was looking for a stroller but it was a bit too expensive for a second buggy. I’ll definitely be keeping this one in mind though when it comes time for getting a double (whenever that might be!)

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