
The Massage Company are now in Tunbridge Wells!

Disclosure: We were sent the featured products for the purpose of this post however all opinions are my own.

I have been visiting the Massage Company in Camberley nearly every month since it opened back in 2016. Before that I didn’t really appreciate how good a massage could be for your body. I saw it purely as a treat that I’d have when I went off on a spa break and not something that I could do regularly to improve my overall health.

Over the last two years I have come to appreciate my monthly massage. I always leave feeling relaxed with no stress or tension. My whole body feels at ease and I walk away feeling taller, lighter and more in balance. And the only thing that has ever been missing from The Massage Company is the ability for more people to experience it – but that is all set to change.

The Massage Company has started to expand and last week I was lucky enough to visit their new location in Tunbridge Wells – as you can use your Massage Company membership at any site. You can even gift a massage from your membership to a friend or family member at any point too so that they can make use of it at any site as well. So the new Tunbridge Wells centre is something I’m sure there are a lot of people excited about – and not just me!

The Massage Company are now in Tunbridge Wells!

Tunbridge Wells is a beautiful location and the Massage Company fits in seamlessly. I loved the town centre location, the easy transport links and parking options nearby and the warm welcome I was given when I arrived.

The Tunbridge Wells centre will feel familiar to anyone who has been to The Massage Company before. It’s bright and airy, comfortable and relaxed. The treatment rooms are a lovely, relaxing and green and the staff are all so friendly and helpful.

The Massage Company are now in Tunbridge Wells!

When you book your appointment you can choose to have a massage with either a male of female therapist and I had my massage with Charlotte. The first thing Charlotte did was go through a health questionnaire to make sure that my massage was tailored to my needs, health and any problem areas I might have – I actually have really tense shoulders and neck from working at a laptop all the time so this is always a focus for me with any massage. She then ran through the available upgrades with me – hot stones, scalp massage, aromatherapy or a foot treatment – and left the room so I could get undressed.

The Massage Company are now in Tunbridge Wells!

Massages at the Massage Company are full body and they do a choice of deep tissue, Swedish, sports and maternity massages and they can focus on specific areas if you need them to. You undress down to your underwear and lay under a blanket on the bed – which is heated to make it a really comfortable experience. The lights are dimmed, music plays softly and you can relax full for the 50 minute massage.

With massages at the Massage Company the therapist works their way around your body and they only ever uncover one section of your body at a time so that during the massages I’ve never felt exposed or self conscious. It’s all very professional and you can tell that every therapist takes great pride in their job and wants to give the best massaged they can, tailored to what your body really needs.

Having now experienced a massage at Tunbridge Wells I can safely say that the Massage Company standard of massages is incredibly high across the board. Every therapist is trained to the same level, they all have slightly different techniques but they follow the same process and the massages I have had with them – Tunbridge Wells included – have been the best massages I have ever had.

After my massage at Tunbridge Wells I felt so much lighter. Charlotte picked up on the tension in my neck, back and in other areas that I hadn’t actually been aware of. I felt so much better for the massage and Charlotte recommended the hot stone upgrade next time to really focus on my problem areas.

Tunbridge Wells is a great addition to the Massage Company portfolio. The massages are consistent, the staff are friendly and the centre is lovely to spend time in. If you’re local to Tunbridge Wells make sure you pay the centre a visit to see what they can do for you. The Massage Company have an introductory offer where you can get your first massage for £39.95. You can read my original review of the Camberley Massage Company centre here and you can find out more about the Massage Company over on their website.


  • Donna Wishart

    Donna Wishart is married to Dave and they have two children, Athena (12) and Troy (11). They live in Surrey with their two cats, Fred and George. Once a Bank Manager, Donna has been writing about everything from family finance to days out, travel and her favourite recipes since 2012. Donna is happiest either exploring somewhere new, with her camera in her hand and family by her side or snuggled up with a cat on her lap, reading a book and enjoying a nice cup of tea. She firmly believes that tea and cake can fix most things.

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