Little Man is 9 Months Old

Little Man is now 9 months old. He’s now been in the world longer than he was growing in me – He was born 16 days early. Those 9 months have zoomed by almost as quick as my pregnancy but they have been the most exhausting but rewarding 9 months of my life.

Little Man is 9 Months Old

Last month I wrote about how Little Man had learnt to sit up. This month Little Man has learnt to crawl! He is everywhere. LM will literally crawl after his Sister wherever she may be. He’ll follow her, try and play with her and generally just be near her. If he can’t be near her – If he’s in his high chair or sitting on our laps, he’ll watch LP constantly, stare at her and laugh at her. Little Man adores his Sister and it watching the love they have for one another grow may well be the best thing about having more than one child. Their love for eachother is so different to the love we have for them or they have for us. I’m glad they will always have each other.

Little Man is 9 Months Old

Little Man still loves to be in his walker and zooms around the room in it, barging us in the ankles! He can move from room to room with ease – In the lounge, through to the kitchen and even going all the way down the hall to the front door. I tend to put him in his walker if I need to pop upstairs – He’s safe there and happy. When I do this he walks to the bottom of the stairs and waits for me to come back, beaming at me when I return. We haven’t seen any signs of separation anxiety – He just loves it more when we’re around.

Little Man is 9 Months Old

Our Little Man has an incredible appetite for food. He loves fruit and devours plums, bananas, oranges, grapes, mango and kiwi like there’s no tomorrow. He also loves meat – having a clear preference for ham and chicken. He always tries bread products but prefers other things. He eats cucumber at most meals, loving it, and we still give him loaded spoons of fruit puree after meals. He gets incredibly excited when I hold a full up spoon of fruitiness out to him!

Little Man is 9 Months Old

Little Man still wakes regularly at night – every 3-4 hours generally and loves to be awake and playing by 6:30am, although we have had a couple of 7:30am get ups which have been amazing! He now weighs 19.5lb is just growing out of his 6-9 month clothes and has the biggest feet I have ever seen on a baby!

Little Man is 9 Months Old
Little Man is 9 Months Old

Little Man is now at the stage where we need to review the safety aspects of our house – look at reinstating stair gates, a playpen and making things generally a bit safer for a baby that can get everywhere. We’re also trying to teach LP about putting her toys away after using them – especially where smaller pieces are concerned!

Little Man is 9 Months Old
Little Man is 9 Months Old

Unfortunately Little Man has spent the majority of the last month in teething hell. He now has his front bottom two teeth, one at the top and the second one at the top is very nearly through too. I wish it would hurry up! It will be very strange to see our little boy with two fully grown top teeth fairly soon. He really is growing up!

Happy 9 Months Little Man! What will this next month bring?

Little Man is 9 Months Old


  • Donna Wishart

    Donna Wishart is married to Dave and they have two children, Athena (12) and Troy (11). They live in Surrey with their two cats, Fred and George. Once a Bank Manager, Donna has been writing about everything from family finance to days out, travel and her favourite recipes since 2012. Donna is happiest either exploring somewhere new, with her camera in her hand and family by her side or snuggled up with a cat on her lap, reading a book and enjoying a nice cup of tea. She firmly believes that tea and cake can fix most things.

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