
11 Months Old!

Little Man is now a month away from his very first Birthday. A whole 11 months of having him in our lives and it really feels like he’s been here forever.

11 Months Old!

This month Little Man has spent a lot of time teething, sticking his tongue out and chewing everything and anything. He’s also learnt to make a lot more noises, chatting to himself constantly and talking to us and LP as if we should know what he’s talking about. He loves to make noises at the cats and at Nanny’s dog – He seems to love animals and gets excited when he sees them, kicking his legs in glee.

11 Months Old!

Little Man has also chosen this month to start sleeping through. It’s about time! Nearly 11 months of 3-4 hour wake ups has taken it’s toll on me and I am exhausted, but I know that Little Man will feed at night as long as he needs to and it’s good to know that he now doesn’t need to feed during the night and will sleep instead. This means that LM now only has his bedtime feed and his first thing in the morning feed – Usually at about 6am where he’ll then go back to sleep for a couple of hours before getting up and having breakfast instead of more milk.

11 Months Old!

Our Little Man is really growing into his personality, his cheeky face, gorgeous smile and chatter light up the room – It’s very quiet when he’s asleep! His bond with LP is becoming more defined and LP will happily hug Little Man and kiss him when she feels like it, often stopping what she’s doing to go and give him a cuddle. I love to see them together.

11 Months Old!

I haven’t had Little Man weighed in quite a while now but he’s as gorgeously chunky as he should be and starting to outgrow some of his 9-12 month clothes. He still has 4 teeth although more will be through soon if the teething is anything to go by.

11 Months Old!

Weaning is going incredibly well and Little Man now tries most things and eats more than he throws on the floor. His favourite food has to be pasta and anything meaty – He has a clear love of meatballs and sausages and loves baked beans too! He will eat fruit all day and can get even the smallest things into his mouth with ease now – Raisins are devoured in seconds.

11 Months Old!

 It seems only yesterday that LM was laying happily on a playmat, content to just lay and look at the lights. He’s now starting to cruise around the furniture, pulling himself up on everything and climbing when given the opportunity. He’s started to push his wooden walker along and will hold our hands and bounce or occasionally take a step or two.

This time next month we’ll be having a gathering for Little Man’s Birthday. It’s all happening so quickly and I’m loving watching him grow and watching his personality develop. He is a joy to be around and I can’t remember a time without him here.

Happy 11 months Little Man!


  • Donna Wishart

    Donna Wishart is married to Dave and they have two children, Athena (12) and Troy (11). They live in Surrey with their two cats, Fred and George. Once a Bank Manager, Donna has been writing about everything from family finance to days out, travel and her favourite recipes since 2012. Donna is happiest either exploring somewhere new, with her camera in her hand and family by her side or snuggled up with a cat on her lap, reading a book and enjoying a nice cup of tea. She firmly believes that tea and cake can fix most things.

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  1. So cute, I love the top picture – sticking his tongue out an concentrating 🙂 I can’t believe he’ll be one next month, where does the time go?!

  2. As the dad of a boy who is also approaching his first birthday, I really enjoyed reading this. I’m kind of jealous that your on is sleeping through the night now! 🙂 Hope you enjoy celebrating Little Man’s first birthday next month!

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