
LP is 2 and a Half!

It feels like yesterday LP was born. Our gorgeous Little Pickle. Even the last 6 months since her 2nd Birthday have flown by and she has come so far since then. We’ve noticed recently how much LP’s vocabulary is expanding, how she’s losing so many of her ‘baby’ words and using the proper words for things – Mee-Mees are now monkeys, her Brother is now called by his name rather than Baby, a phone is a phone not a wo-wa, we can now differentiate between Cheese/Keys/Trees and Shoes/Juice.  There are a few words that she still says that we’re hanging on to. Her Grandad is still her Yar-Yar, no idea where this came from but I think now it has stuck. I can’t see Yar-Yar ever being anything else. She also calls crumpets Crunchies and still calls Alfie dog a ‘woof woof’.

LP is 2 and a Half!

She can count 1, 2, 5, 10 and it’s the cutest thing. I’ve tried to teach her 3, 4, 5 and she has no interest. We all prefer it her way anyway! She knows most colours and sings the Rainbow song. She also likes to sing Twinkle Twinkle, Happy Birthday and our very own sleepy song – As well as the Curious George Christmas Song!

LP is 2 and a Half!

Curious George is still her favourite thing in the world, followed closely by Wallace and Gromit, Charlie and Lola and her Dribble Dog who now sleeps in bed with her – as well as sitting at the table for meals!

LP now has size 6E feet and other than that we have no idea how much she weighs, how tall she is or any other statistics! She has a great appetite and still eats pretty much anything. She also sleeps really well – 7:30-8pm and gets up anywhere from 8am-9:30am! She loves to sleep. LP has also found her nap again recently, as she stopped napping for 6 months after her Brother was born. Now though she will nap for 2 hours most days and it’s lovely for all of us to have this time in the afternoon.

LP is 2 and a Half!

One of her favourite things to do is help in the kitchen on ‘Daddy’s Chair’ – She loves to stand at the worktop, make coffee and help with anything – Especially washing up! She also loves to sweep up with her own broom and loves playing in her own kitchen. Role play type games are her favourites – as well as jigsaws that she has a great enthusiasm for!

LP is going through ‘a phase’ at the moment of needing Mummy constantly. She wants me at bedtime, in night wake ups, to take her for her nap, to take her to the toilet. For some reason Daddy isn’t good enough and I’m hoping, for his sake really, that this phase is short lived. It’s exhausting for all of us.

We have registered for LP to start nursery in September – 6 short months away which will open up a whole new world for her, new friends, lots to learn and a whole new environment to play in and experience. I’m excited for her!

LP still amazes me every day, still makes me laugh constantly and says some of the funniest things. She gives amazing cuddles, has a cute bedtime routine – Cuddle, drink, kiss, baby cuddle, bed – and I love her completely. She is a joy to have in our lives and I can’t quite believe that she has been a part of our lives for 2.5 years already – Even though it feels like she’s been here forever – I can’t remember a time before LP.

Happy Half Birthday Little Pickle x


  • Donna Wishart is married to Dave and they have two children, Athena (13) and Troy (11). They live in Surrey with their two cats, Fred and George. Once a Bank Manager, Donna has been writing about everything from family finance to days out, travel and her favourite recipes since 2012. Donna is happiest either exploring somewhere new, with her camera in her hand and family by her side or snuggled up with a cat on her lap, reading a book and enjoying a nice cup of tea. She firmly believes that tea and cake can fix most things.

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  1. She a beauty Donna 🙂
    I love all the silly words they have for things and it feels sad when they go. F used to call his milk corky for ages, no idea why. Its milk now though 🙁 he still calls computers cuterandcuters though which is my all time fave! x

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