This Time Next Week
This time next week LP has her first day at school. She’s spending the morning and lunchtime in her new Reception class and we’ll pick her up after she’s eaten – the same on Thursday and then from Friday she’s at school full time.
LP still seems so little, swamped in her age 3-4 uniform and only turning four last week. She is petite and young but she is very ready for school – she loves learning new things, has an imagination without limits and picks up so much from the world around her.
The last four years have flown by and I have loved having the work life balance to be able to spend so much time with LP – and Little Man – and the last year of preschool has set her up well for starting school. We have also had a wonderful summer and I am already looking forward to next summer and the adventures we will have.
For now though I am excited for LP. Excited for the friends she’ll make, the things she will learn and the experiences she will have. I know that dropping her off at school next week will be emotional. I know that she will look so grown up but so little at the same time and I know I will miss having lunch with her, our afternoon movie and snuggle time and everything else we used to squeeze into the afternoons.
But I am looking forward to a year of days with Little Man and our own adventures. LP will have a great time at school and I know I will be filling the school holidays with as much as possible – I’ll be appreciating the time with LP so much more.
I still can’t quite believe that she is starting school already but we are all ready for it – she’s going to have a blast!
Both of mine are summer babies and wil be young like LP when they start school but I’m sure they’ll get on great – just like LP will. And I bet you’ll all soon settle into your new routine and the next thing you know LM will be starting school too!
Aww! Such a huge milestone! Wishing LP the best of luck at school….I hope she has a wonderful time.
*Sniff* I hope she has a wonderful time but it goes by too, too fast. I’m not ready for it but I have another year and just lovely photos x
Such a sweet post Donna, she will have so much fun I am sure. I’m like you, so many mixed emotions but I am looking forward to spending some more time with the twins, I’m hoping I can do a little more when I only have two to take out! xx