Today I am 32

Do you ever look at life and wonder how you got here? Today I am 32 and it’s not an age I’m bothered about really, or even an age I really feel. I look at myself and my age as two completely unrelated things.

I think in my head I will be 24 forever.

24 was the year I got married. It was the year that Dave and I started to really plan our future together, the year when our first house went on the market, hoping to move to a forever home and have children one day.

Since then life has just got better and better. By the time I turned 30 there was nothing else I wanted. I was happy, content and really enjoying the life that we had built with two gorgeous children and a beautiful home.

So a couple of years on and nothing has really changed – we have just kept enjoying life and each month has rolled easily into the next. I don’t feel 32 but when I look at my life on paper I feel like I have achieved quite a lot for those years, I have a lot to show for them and I am so proud of, not just myself, but us. Dave and I, for the life we have built together.

And so, turning 32 is pretty much just another day. It’s a day where I don’t really need material things – I have more than I could ever have hoped for. Instead, I’ll be spending today doing the usual things – the school run, cooking dinner, putting the children to bed. Dave and I will grab brunch together before he goes to work and once the kids are asleep tonight I might have a celebratory gin and tonic – toasting another year older and the start of a brand new year to enjoy with my favourite people.

Some people hate getting older but I appreciate the year that has been and the new year that is starting. 32 will bring us a shiny new extension – complete with a shiny new kitchen. It will bring changes to our work life balance and it will see me having full days to fill when Little Man starts school next September. I can already tell that 32 will be a pretty good year, just as 31 and 30 before it have also been great years.

So there we have it. Happy Birthday to me. Another year older, another year wiser and another year of wonderful memories to treasure. Thanks 31, you were a pretty good year to me and I am really looking forward to seeing what 32 will bring.

Today I am 32


  • Donna Wishart is married to Dave and they have two children, Athena (13) and Troy (11). They live in Surrey with their two cats, Fred and George. Once a Bank Manager, Donna has been writing about everything from family finance to days out, travel and her favourite recipes since 2012. Donna is happiest either exploring somewhere new, with her camera in her hand and family by her side or snuggled up with a cat on her lap, reading a book and enjoying a nice cup of tea. She firmly believes that tea and cake can fix most things.

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  1. Oh HAPPY BIRTHDAY lovely lady!!!! Ah 32 will be another awesome year for you 🙂 I think 32 should also be the year you plan your trip to Aus 🙂 Have a BRILLIANT day!! x x

  2. Happy Birthday Lovely Lady! I think this year is going to be awesome for you and your family. You have so much to look forward to and a big change in November. Have a great day and I will have a virtual toast with you tonight xx

  3. Happy birthday. It’s great that you’ve achieved what you set out to at a young age (how young are you!). I was 40 on Saturday, and like you it doesn’t bother me. My main task is losing weight this year, because I did it last year with my birthday the target, but half way through the year put most of it back on again. So now, no excuses.

  4. Happy birthday. It is lovely to see someone appreciating all they have rather than worrying about all the don’t. This approach to life can only make you a strong person and will ensure this year to come will be great.

  5. All the best people are 32 😉 . You are exactly the same as me- age is just a number and I too just think how lucky I am to have everything I have now. I’ll forever be 18 I think, although perhaps without the clubbing haha!! Happy birthday! xx

  6. Happy belated birthday Donna. I have a feeling too that 32 is going to be a great year for you. I never mind either about getting another year old (though I have a good 10 years on you), just embrace it and be happy is what I say x

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