Thank You

I say thank you a lot on here. I thanked the children’s teachers at the end of the year and I thanked them at the start of the pandemic too. I’ve also thanked readers and followers in years gone by.

But, never before have I really thanked the children. But this one is for them.

LP and Little Man,

The last year has been so hard. It’s been the longest year we have ever had and life has been shaken up for all of us – especially children.

You were in school last March, full of the joys of spring. Looking forward to the school music festival, a trip to the Tower of London, sports day and the summer holidays.

That year marked the end of Infants for Little Man and all the end of year celebrations that would have brought with it.

But suddenly, you found yourselves at home. Working at the dining table in the kitchen and not able to see your friends or extended family.

You went from having so many people around you, so many plans and so much to look forward to and had instead just our house and the four of us within it.

You finished the school year at home and started the next year back at school before spending the best part of another term back at home again, back to school work in the kitchen.

We had some brighter days over the summer but the winter was long and your hope of Christmas with your grandparents were shattered just a couple of days before Christmas. But Father Christmas still came and we made the best of it.

And now, pretty much a whole year has passed. A year has passed and Little Man will soon have his second lockdown birthday. But at least this year we’ll be able to see friends and family, at a distance, in the garden.

LP and Little Man, you have been amazing throughout this whole experience. You have got on with your school work, hardly complained, kept up with the work and always tried your best.

You have been polite and helpful, you’ve participated in everything the school have set from Zoom assemblies to Google Meets with your class and you have given everything your all.

I could not be more proud of you both. We have always been proud of you and your achievements, proud of the wonderful people you are growing into but we are so proud of how you’ve dealt with the last year too.

Parents always want the best for their children and the last year has been far from the best we could have hoped for but it has been the safest way of living. I’m sorry that you have had to live through this pandemic, and that your life was made so small over the last year compared to what you had been used to.

But, it has taught you resilience. It’s shown us just how adaptable you are. How great you are at working with what you have and how we all stick together when times get tough.

I have tried through this to focus on the positives and the one big thing for me was getting so much quality time with you both. I missed you both massively when you started school. No more little sidekicks to have lunch with on a weekday. And I never expected to have such a chunk of extended time with you outside of school holidays.

That bonus time will always be a silver lining of the pandemic for me and it was been so lovely getting to know you both better, spend so much time with you and watch you both grow as people too. Y

ou both seem to have gained so many more interests over the last year and have added so much depth to your own personalities too. You are both such great little people and, despite the difficulties, it’s been a pleasure to spend the pandemic by your side.

The last year has been tough but, we’ve got through it and I really hope there are brighter days ahead. Thank you LP and Little Man, for getting through the last year, for always being you and for being the best company during lockdown.

Love you

Mummy and Daddy x


  • Donna Wishart is married to Dave and they have two children, Athena (13) and Troy (11). They live in Surrey with their two cats, Fred and George. Once a Bank Manager, Donna has been writing about everything from family finance to days out, travel and her favourite recipes since 2012. Donna is happiest either exploring somewhere new, with her camera in her hand and family by her side or snuggled up with a cat on her lap, reading a book and enjoying a nice cup of tea. She firmly believes that tea and cake can fix most things.

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