Getting LP dry through the night and Huggies DryNites Review
Disclosure: We were sent the featured products for the purpose of this post however all opinions are my own.
Back in October 2013 we potty trained LP and aside from an occasional accident here and there she has been dry during the day since a few weeks later. It made life with two small children so much easier and considering she was only a couple of months past her second Birthday I think she dealt with it all incredibly well.
But since then LP has continued to wear nappies at night time. This isn’t something that bothers me as changing one nappy a day is a lot easier than changing nappies throughout the day! I was also told by many friends that her nappies would gradually become dryer in the night and that would be a sign to ditch the nappies. Well, her nappies are definitely dryer, especially since starting preschool and getting up earlier but they aren’t dry yet.
Even so, when Huggies sent us some of their products – Huggies DryNites Pyjama Pants, Bed Mats and Natural Care Wipes to try I thought we’d see how LP would cope with special bedtime pants and a layer of protection under her bed sheet!
What did we think of Huggies DryNites?
She loved the designs on the DryNites, so much more exciting that a normal nappy, and she looked comfortable in them too. She’s been able to pull the disposable nappies up and down herself and we have been leaving the baby gate on her door open so she can get up in the night if she needs to go. They have the new DryNites wetness indicator so we can easily see if the DryNites have been used and she just looks so comfortable in them which is everything you need from overnight diapers.
So how has it been going? Well, LP has never got up in the night to use the toilet, is still wet in the morning but loves wearing pants with princesses on to bed! So for now we are carrying on as we are, nappies or pull ups at bedtime until LP shows signs that she doesn’t need to go during the night – so we can avoid any bed wetting. If she is still having wet nappies at night when she’s a lot older I’ll be concerned but there are children LP’s age that still aren’t dry during the night so it doesn’t really worry me at all.
How did your children cope with potty training? Were they dry through the night straight away or did it take them a while? I’d love to hear your experiences.
Night time is definitely harder, but I believe there is a hormonal influence at play as well, so unless they are really ready it won’t really happen. Good luck!
I have two girls who were both easily trained in the day very shortly after their 2nd birthday but my eldest needed pull ups or bed mats for ages after (almost 5) and my littley was dry at night from a couple of weeks after training and has rarely had an accident since. I think it’s one of those things that can’t really be hurried and just seems to happen when they are ready.
We will be starting potty training shortly with Eli. He already sits on the potty quite happily and has had a few accidental ‘deposits’. Hope it’s a simple task 🙂
Cat x
Logan still wears nappies overnight. I’ve been struggling to find a nappy that holds the volume of pee he does overnight. Huggies didn’t work and pampers were sporadic. Strangely I found Aldis nappies have solved our problem!