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A Summer Trip to Kidzania

Disclosure: We were invited on this day out for the purpose of this post however all opinions are my own.

LP has been to Kidzania a few times now and absolutely loves it but Little Man hadn’t been since our first visit, when he was a toddler. We promised him that we’d go back when he was big enough to really appreciate everything that Kidzania had to offer – and that time came this summer.

Little Man was so excited for his first proper visit to Kidzania so when we arrived at the airport style check in desk and got given our wrist bands, Kidzos currency and a hairnet he couldn’t contain himself and could hardly wait to get inside Kidzania.

A Summer Trip to Kidzania

The format of Kidzania is the same as the other times we have been – you get four hours to do as many activities as you like, being paid to do some and having to pay to do others. The 50 Kidzos you’re given at the beginning can be used to pay for activities or they can be saved and added to, being put in a bank account at the end of the day or being spent in the shop at home time.

The children started the day being paramedics, learning how to save lives before going out in the ambulance and putting their learning into practice. They loved riding in the ambulance and definitely felt like they’d earned their salary at the end of the session.

A Summer Trip to Kidzania
A Summer Trip to Kidzania

Most sessions last for around fifteen to thirty minutes and the children moved swiftly on to the supermarket where LP worked in the shop and Little Man was a customer. In this one only the shop worker gets paid and the customer has a more play based experience.

A Summer Trip to Kidzania

The children then wanted to be firemen but the queue was quite long and you had to pay to do the activity which I have never understood. As a fireman in real life you get paid to do your job but in Kidzania you have to pay for the privilege. It is one of the most popular activities though so I think it’s a way of cutting down the queue times. Firemen and Police are always two of the most popular activities so if children want to do them it’s worth going to them first.

A Summer Trip to Kidzania

Strangely on this visit we noticed that the upstairs area was closed for the first hour of our session. This meant that a lot of the activities – and the British Airways cabin crew activity which is hugely popular – couldn’t be accessed for 25% of our session. I’m not sure if this was just the day we visited or a regular thing but when you visit at 10am, knowing it will be quiet, but then can’t go on half the activities for an hour it’s a little bit frustrating – and meant that the upstairs was really busy by the time we did venture up just after 11am.

The children’s next activity was the garage where they got to change tyres on a racing car. This was something Little Man was so excited about and they both really enjoyed. After this it was time to go to a brand new part of Kidzania – the Nintendo Labo activity. Now, this does have quite a queue as the actual activity time is 50 minutes in total, much more than other activities, but it’s something LP and Little Man really enjoyed.

A Summer Trip to Kidzania
A Summer Trip to Kidzania
A Summer Trip to Kidzania

During the activity they got to make their own Nintendo Labo car which is compatible with the Nintendo Switch, and they also got to play on so many different Nintendo Labo kits – from pianos to fishing rods! LP and Little Man now both want Nintendo Labo kits for Christmas – especially as they got to take their little car creations home with them too.

A Summer Trip to Kidzania
A Summer Trip to Kidzania

We then ventured upstairs where the children got to make Mission Deli wraps – and LP and Little Man were so excited to take a pack home with them too! A lot of the other food based activities had long queues so we weren’t able to go in them so instead we moved back downstairs where the children cared for Luvabella babies, played dentists and then delivered parcels.

A Summer Trip to Kidzania
A Summer Trip to Kidzania
A Summer Trip to Kidzania

The variety of activities at Kidzania is great and the children really enjoyed all of them. Each activity varied the number of participants and the length of time to suit the activity and, considering it was the middle of the summer holidays, it was never too busy. I’d love Kidzania to be a bit brighter and to have natural light as it does feel so dark at times and you end up leaving feeling like it’s late in the day rather than 2pm. But, the children absolutely love it and Little Man is still talking about his very first proper Kidzania visit. I know it won’t be long before we’re back again.

A Summer Trip to Kidzania


  • Donna Wishart

    Donna Wishart is married to Dave and they have two children, Athena (12) and Troy (11). They live in Surrey with their two cats, Fred and George. Once a Bank Manager, Donna has been writing about everything from family finance to days out, travel and her favourite recipes since 2012. Donna is happiest either exploring somewhere new, with her camera in her hand and family by her side or snuggled up with a cat on her lap, reading a book and enjoying a nice cup of tea. She firmly believes that tea and cake can fix most things.

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  1. I really should take N before he gets too old for it. He’d love so much of this. It is strange that part was closed for an hour. Hopefully it was just a temporary thing

  2. We love this place! I agree that all the activities should be running from the opening time, the tickets for Kidzania are not exactly cheap and in the afternoon the activities get really busy so it makes sense for families wanting to visit early when it’s quiet. I’m not sure if we saw the Nintendo part when we were there, or if my son was old enough, but it sounds like something he’d really like to do.

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