What do you Wear to Work? | AD

*This is a paid post

Before I gave up my day job back in November last year I wore a uniform to work. It was a suit with different tops and a choice of skirts, trousers or dresses to make sure there was something that suited everyone all in the same colour theme.

When I left that job to blog full time I was quite excited about not wearing a uniform anymore, being able to free up a big chunk of my wardrobe and just being able to wear my own clothes each day. I love the thought of not having to make sure my uniform was clean and ironed each week, just being able to just wear what I want every day.

But, now that I’ve been working at home for the best part of a year I’ve realised that actually wearing a uniform makes me more productive and really sets me up for the day ahead. There are some days when, working from home, I can literally stay in my pyjamas all day if I want to. But, the times I have tried to do this I haven’t been able to get into work mode and have instead procrastinated all day – flitting between social media and news sites, achieving next to nothing at all.

What do you Wear to Work?

So, I now get ready for the day and get dressed into work clothes. Now that would be jeans or leggings and a top. Nothing special and really just my typical wardrobe but, getting dressed properly gets my mind in the right place for work. Some days I might go to the gym in the morning so I’ll go there, come home, have a shower and get dressed properly so that I can start work in the best possible mindset.

But, it makes sense really that whatever job you do you will feel like you’re in a proper work mode once you’re dressed for the job. Can you imagine a policeman trying to police without their easily recognisable uniform? Police officers, fire fighters, paramedics – they all wear uniforms that make them easily distinguishable and also serve health and safety purposes – keeping them both professional and safe whatever job they are doing.

What do you Wear to Work?

Builders wear uniforms including durable and versatile workwear from places like Engelbert Strauss, making sure their whole bodies are protected from the elements as well as their tools whilst they work but also getting them into work mode, clearly defining their work time from their home time.

Even office workers put on a suit in the morning and it gets them ready for the day ahead. People in shops wear tops emblazoned with their company’s logo and waitresses and waiters wear the same coloured tops with an apron over the top, making them all look similar, practical and ready for work.

What do you Wear to Work?

But I’ve also realised that as well as getting you set up for the day a uniform actually makes life so much easier. You don’t have to think about what you are wearing that day, you don’t have to worry if you’re dressed right for a specific day at work and often uniforms are provided by the company – saving you money too.

It’s not surprising really that wearing my pyjamas for work doesn’t really set me up for the day and that I am much more productive when I get dressed properly. I hate to shatter the illusion but, contrary to popular belief, bloggers don’t just sit in their pyjamas all day drinking tea. I wish I could – but no, each day I get dressed, get into work mode – and then drink tea whilst I work!

Do you wear a uniform for work? Do you love it or hate it? I’d love to know your thoughts and if you do really work in your pyjamas let me know your secrets of how to be productive in pyjamas!


  • Donna Wishart

    Donna Wishart is married to Dave and they have two children, Athena (12) and Troy (11). They live in Surrey with their two cats, Fred and George. Once a Bank Manager, Donna has been writing about everything from family finance to days out, travel and her favourite recipes since 2012. Donna is happiest either exploring somewhere new, with her camera in her hand and family by her side or snuggled up with a cat on her lap, reading a book and enjoying a nice cup of tea. She firmly believes that tea and cake can fix most things.

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  1. We can wear whatever we want to work. Thankfully. Personally I am not a big fan of wearing uniforms. This also applies to school. I grew up with no uniforms as we don’t have these in Germany.

  2. When I was employed by the Inland Revenue, My colleagues and I always used to say that we wished we had a uniform so that we would know what to wear each day, when I was self employed I loved being able to be flexible, especially if we had a good summer

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