
Using the IKEA RÅSKOG Trolley for Arts & Crafts

LP and Little Man both love to draw, paint and write. They are both so creative and they love to come home from school and make things or put their whole imagination down on paper. To help support this I wanted to create somewhere that would be home to all of their craft things – their pens, craft kits and accessories. In the end I impulse bought an IKEA RÅSKOG Trolley – because it looked like it would go well with our industrial style extension – and decided to make it into their perfect craft cart.

Using the IKEA RÅSKOG Trolley for Arts & Crafts

The IKEA RÅSKOG Trolley has three different storage levels. It can be used for pretty much anything but to turn it into craft storage I needed to get some accessories to go inside it to help organise everything. IKEA have so many storage pots, baskets and even magnetic spice pots that are perfect for this but I wanted everything to be black – matching our IKEA RÅSKOG Trolley.

Using the IKEA RÅSKOG Trolley for Arts & Crafts

In the end I bought black pen pots which were the bargain price of 78p each. 14 of them fit well in the top layer and are the perfect size for pens, pencils and crayons. I used a couple in the second layer too for scissors, glue and other things the children need to hand when crafting.

Using the IKEA RÅSKOG Trolley for Arts & Crafts

I then filled the rest of the trolley with black plastic baskets which fit the space so well. Four fit nicely in each layer leaving space for other things to stand up between them. I used these for stampers and ink pads, little crayons and pencils, glitter glue and paints on one layer and craft kits on the other.

Using the IKEA RÅSKOG Trolley for Arts & Crafts

The space between the baskets is perfect to store more craft kits or paper and the finished trolley is perfect to wheel from place to place, letting the children be creative both inside and outside the house – wherever the mood takes them.

Using the IKEA RÅSKOG Trolley for Arts & Crafts

My friend Lauren was actually working on the same project at the same time as me – and I had no idea! Where my trolley is all one colour to fit into our home, hers is so full of colour and uses so many different organisation ideas to make a trolley that is bound to inspire creativity in any child. You can see her trolley here.

Using the IKEA RÅSKOG Trolley for Arts & Crafts


  • Donna Wishart

    Donna Wishart is married to Dave and they have two children, Athena (12) and Troy (11). They live in Surrey with their two cats, Fred and George. Once a Bank Manager, Donna has been writing about everything from family finance to days out, travel and her favourite recipes since 2012. Donna is happiest either exploring somewhere new, with her camera in her hand and family by her side or snuggled up with a cat on her lap, reading a book and enjoying a nice cup of tea. She firmly believes that tea and cake can fix most things.

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  1. What a genius idea! I am looking for something to store all of my craft bits for when we move, so this is very helpful! Thanks ? x

  2. That is such a great idea. We don’t do much arts and crafts but this is really tidy.
    We currently have everything on top of the Kallax unit in the play room. I want to give it a bit of a tidying though.

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