Tomorrow What the Redhead said turns One!
Wow. What a year it has been – and how fast it has gone. A year ago Zoe and I were putting the finishing touches to What the Redhead said ready to launch it at midnight, as the world was celebrating the start of a New Year I was poised to see my new space online make its public debut.
What the Redhead said now feels like home. It’s a blog that will continue indefinitely and it’s definitely me. I love the name and I know that What the Redhead said will grow with me for years to come.
The last year has been a pretty incredible one. What the Redhead said hasย seen over 1,000 new posts published in the year, it has seen our family go on so many days out and little adventures and it has seen the children use their passports for the very first time.
What the Redhead said has been there from when Little Man wasn’t even two and very much a toddler until now, when he is nearly three and so ready to start preschool. It has seen LP go from preschooler to fully fledged schoolgirl and it has seen us have one of the busiest years of our life so far.
The main thing really is that tomorrow What the Redhead said turns one. This blog is now very much a website in it’s own right and not many regular readers now will even think about or remember the website it was before.
To celebrate What the Redhead said’s Birthday I am lunching a month of giveaways starting tomorrow. Each day I’ll be running a new giveaway from a new brand with a fantastic prize. These giveaways are to thank you for reading and also to thank the brands for being there too. It has been a fantastic year and I am looking forward to many more blog filled years to come.
Happy New Year Everyone!
I remember eagerly awaiting the new launch & name reveal. Well done for achieving so much in just a year. Look forward to all the giveaways!!
Happy (almost) new year xx
Happy birthday to the blog!
Happy Bloggie Birthday!! Wishing you all wonderful things for 2016 xx
I still remember reading redhead babyled, it was one of the first blogs I discovered when I started blogging. I love how much your blog has grown since you changed to this new one, I love the look of it and I think your some kind of superwomen publishing 1000 posts in a year ! I totally agree this blog is so you and I think it will be around for many more years to come as the name will never get old xx