New Year = New Blog!

Happy New Year everyone! I am excited to start this new year with a sparkly new blog. Move over Redhead Babyled, there’s a new kid on the block.

So here we go, a new blog, a new design (thanks Zoe!) and a slightly new direction. The aim of this new space of mine is to veer a little away from babies – as LP and Little Man are definitely not babies anymore. I want to do more food and lifestyle posts to vary the content a little bit but deep down this will be the same space it has always been – me, writing about… stuff.

I’m looking forward to this new chapter. I don’t see this blog name changing ever again and that’s exciting for me – it will be great to have a permanent space that can grow with us as a family. I’m planning on updating the header image every year or so, whenever it starts to feel dated but apart from that I’m looking forward to this new start.

Here’s to a new year and a new blog – What the Redhead said.

New Year = New Blog!


  • Donna Wishart is married to Dave and they have two children, Athena (13) and Troy (11). They live in Surrey with their two cats, Fred and George. Once a Bank Manager, Donna has been writing about everything from family finance to days out, travel and her favourite recipes since 2012. Donna is happiest either exploring somewhere new, with her camera in her hand and family by her side or snuggled up with a cat on her lap, reading a book and enjoying a nice cup of tea. She firmly believes that tea and cake can fix most things.

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  1. I absolutely love the new name gorgeous girl: excited for the new year & lots more lovely blogging!! 🙂 May 2015 be the year we get to meet up lots, eat our weight in cake & drink gallons of tea! Woop woop! Xxx

  2. Ahhhh, I love it Donna. The new name is great, it’s still you just a little more grown up, if you get what I mean. And the new design reflects that too, with the nod to your old name and design, but a more fresh lifestyle feel. x

  3. HOLLA!!! Wahooo my beaut one. Fab name and it looks fab. Here’s to a top ten blog in 2015. You work so hard and you should be so so proud. I have plans for this year. They probably will fail but you know what? That’s cool as that’s what blogging is about. You can do what the hell you like! xxxxxxx

  4. Eeeep!!! You’re live! A brand new shiny blog. Absolutely love the new name & love the new look – but ultimately just love your blog in general!!
    Good luck (like you need it!) and happy 2015. Thanks for the help & advice you’ve given me – I really appreciate it xx

  5. Looks great, love the name and great that you’ve found a blog name that’ll be able to grow with you. Waiting on Zoe to get back to me on tidying up my blog, so hopefully she’ll be able to do as good a job on mine as she’s done on yours.

    Happy new year

  6. I love the new name and the new blog!
    I loved reading your old blog, it was one of the first blogs I started to follow when I started in to the world of blogging back in August, and I am looking forward to reading in future!

  7. Congratulations on the new blog – it looks gorgeous!

    LOVE the header image too. What a great photo!

    Happy New Year and I look forward to reading all that the Redhead has to say 🙂

  8. Love it, and loving the name. Really looking forward to reading all the fab things this year. All the best for 2015.

  9. Hello! Love the new name and look! I am sure it will be as successful, if not more, that Redhead Babyled! Good luck xxx

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