Cooking with LP {The Ordinary Moments}

One thing LP loves more than any other is cooking. She loves to help in the kitchen, insists on putting her apron and chef’s hat on and stands on a chair to help me as much as she can. These are always some of my favourite times with her as well.

It’s great seeing her learn how to do things to help. A few months ago she would just watch or stir things so hard they would fly from the bowl but now she can pour, she can stir and she can sieve things. I give her something new to do each time and practice the things we have done countless times before. LP loves being ‘big’ and being allowed to do grown up things like mixing and she really likes to do things herself too so cooking with me in the kitchen and having that extra responsibility is great for both of us and such a lovely time together.

LP and I have baked cakes, made biscuits and she’s even helped cook dinner. Whenever I say I’m going into the kitchen she asks if she can come and help and I think that if given the choice she would spend her whole day in there with me – either that or practicing cooking on various cooking games!

I will keep cooking with LP for as long as she wants to help and there may even come a time where she’s cooking or baking and I’m just watching, there for the company, but for the next years I am looking forward to baking treats, trying new recipes and doing it all with my little sidekick

Cooking with LP {The Ordinary Moments}


  • Donna Wishart is married to Dave and they have two children, Athena (13) and Troy (11). They live in Surrey with their two cats, Fred and George. Once a Bank Manager, Donna has been writing about everything from family finance to days out, travel and her favourite recipes since 2012. Donna is happiest either exploring somewhere new, with her camera in her hand and family by her side or snuggled up with a cat on her lap, reading a book and enjoying a nice cup of tea. She firmly believes that tea and cake can fix most things.

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  1. Look at that beautiful hair peeking out from the chefs hat! Gorgeous photo Donna! I’m only just starting to appreciate my kids in the kitchen now, I’m ashamed to say! I’m far too much of a control freak, but Eva is just getting to the age now where she is a tidy cook, and a great help too! Loved this post xx

  2. This is so sweet – I used to help my mum in the kitchen too and I’m glad because it meant I knew how to cook when I left home to go to uni. I’m looking forward to Toby being a bit bigger and cooking and baking with him (although, yesterday he did help by taking some new potatoes out of the bag and putting them in a pan – well, you’ve got to start somewhere!)

  3. I love this Donna, I have always loved baking with my middle daughter since she was a similar age to LP. She’s 14 now and still loves to bake with me 🙂 x

  4. Firstly….how bloomin’ fabulous does your new makeover look missus! Gorgeous, love it. Secondly…LP is such a wee dote! I love how she insists on putting on her chef hat and apron! Nice to have a wee helper too! 😉 x

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