
Blog On MSI 2016 #BlogOnMSI

I have just spent last weekend in Manchester for the annual Blog On conference and wanted to write about it but to be honest I don’t know where to start. I’ve only ever been to Britmums before and so that is the only other conference I can compare it to.

Blog On is in the Museum of Science and Industry on the top floor and the day started with checking in, grabbing name badges and having breakfast. At this point I got to see so many faces that I hadn’t seen for a year or that I had spoken to most days over the internet but hadn’t ever met. This was actually the theme of my day – meeting so many people, hugs and catch ups. It was ace.

Blog On MSI 2016 #BlogOnMSI

We listened to Laura do the keynote speech, along with the help of other bloggers who filmed the reasons why they blog. It was a great starting point for Blog On and really set us up for the day.

After that there were break out sessions on everything from Pinterest to YouTube, monetisation and photography. I didn’t go to all of the sessions, using the time to catch up with friends in some instances, but I went to Emily’s Outside the Blog talk which was great. I saw Emily speak at last year’s BritMums and although the talk had some crossovers it is always great to have someone reinforce their way of doing things. Emily spoke about different ways to work with brands, examples of freelance work and how to pitch. It was a really great, informative talk and if you get the chance to see Emily speak you really should.

I went into a session about monetisation but left quite early on as it was aimed at newer bloggers really – how affiliate advertising works. I’m also glad I hadn’t gone to the first session on making your blog appealing to brands as I would have strongly disagreed with being told follow links are fine and you don’t need to disclose. After all, it’s only Google isn’t it?

Moving on… There was lots of tea breaks and even more lovely food and these were a great chance to go around and talk to the brands at the event. There were so many brands and PR companies and I can’t even remember them all but a highlight was definitely playing in the Swizzles ball pool!

Blog On MSI 2016 #BlogOnMSI

The day went by in a blur for me – there was an amazing cake that looked like a liquidised My Little Pony inside, there was talk after talk and there were so many laughs. Without even trying I spent most of the day with Colette and for me this was a highlight – spending time with one of my blogging besties that I have probably only met once before. If you don’t follow her blog go do it, she’s awesome.

Blog On MSI 2016 #BlogOnMSI

The end of the day was the raffle and then a grand finale by the Scummy Mummies who made us laugh and cringe in equal measure. It was then time to grab our goodie bags – all three of them – and head home.

I had an amazing weekend at Blog On. The cake, the goodie bags, the raffle, the brands and the sessions were great. Laura did an amazing job at organising it and having only Britmums to compare it to I can safely say – they definitely do things differently up north.

This was my first Blog On but I’m already looking forward to the next one! Here are a few photos that I have stolen from Emma, Colette and Sarah because I took hardly any – bad blogger!

Blog On MSI 2016 #BlogOnMSI
Blog On MSI 2016 #BlogOnMSI
Blog On MSI 2016 #BlogOnMSI
Blog On MSI 2016 #BlogOnMSI


  • Donna Wishart is married to Dave and they have two children, Athena (13) and Troy (11). They live in Surrey with their two cats, Fred and George. Once a Bank Manager, Donna has been writing about everything from family finance to days out, travel and her favourite recipes since 2012. Donna is happiest either exploring somewhere new, with her camera in her hand and family by her side or snuggled up with a cat on her lap, reading a book and enjoying a nice cup of tea. She firmly believes that tea and cake can fix most things.

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  1. Sounds like you had a great time, reading this makes me excited about going to BritMums for the first time. As long as BritMums doesn’t put me off conferences forever, I will have to try and make this one next year! x

  2. Yay! It was so much fun. I definitely enjoyed it more not trying to cram in all the sessions. Can’t wait for Britmums now 🙂

  3. Oh it looks and sounds like so much fun! So gutted I didn’t get a chance to go to one when I was there 🙁 x x

  4. Summed up the day perfectly Donna. I agree that its sometimes nice to skip some of the sessions and spend the time catching up with blogging friends. The day goes by so quick and it was so lovely to finally meet you x

  5. “….I would have strongly disagreed with being told follow links are fine and you don’t need to disclose. After all, it’s only Google isn’t it?” SAY WHAT?! Woah.
    It looked like a really fun event though. I hadn’t heard about it before but so many bloggers I follow on Instagram went and I loved looking at their photos.

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