Siblings {April 2018}

Oh what a month for this little pair. Now, the sun has hardly shone, it’s been cold, wet and pretty grey but it has been a month full of adventures and LP and Little Man have loved every minute of it.

Siblings {April 2018}

We started the month with a weekend in Sussex in the snow, walking llamas and having quality family time at a beautiful country hotel followed swiftly by a day at Paradise Wildlife Park the following weekend. These were two huge adventures for Little Man and LP, ones where they got outdoors, got to have fun and got to have such a great time with each other too.

Siblings {April 2018}
Siblings {April 2018}
Siblings {April 2018}
Siblings {April 2018}
Siblings {April 2018}
Siblings {April 2018}
Siblings {April 2018}
Siblings {April 2018}

When the Easter holidays came round we went to Wales with our lovely friends and had a really nice week – despite the pretty awful weather. We had a couple of sunny days that we spent at Ty Mawr country park and Chester Zoo but apart from that is was full of simple fun together with swimming, playing games and even a dip in the hot tub. LP and Little Man had a pretty lovely week together.

Siblings {April 2018}
Siblings {April 2018}
Siblings {April 2018}

Our trip to Wales was extended with an overnight trip to Manchester where LP and Little Man got to do so many new things – Legoland Discovery Centre, another Sea Life centre and playing in the snow at Chill Factore. This was such an amazingly new experience for them both and one that they loved doing together – cheering each other on from the sidelines and watching each other come zooming down the slopes on sleds or donuts. It was so much fun and I really wish we lived closer.

Siblings {April 2018}

We’ve finished the month with a week at Crealy Adventure Park in Devon, ticking a huge want in life off the children’s list – to go camping. We’ve actually been glamping and the children have loved it – especially having friends to spend the week with. It’s been a great week of time together and a really nice way to finish off the Easter holidays – despite the continuing awful weather – and the fact Little Man got chicken pox halfway through!

Siblings {April 2018}
Siblings {April 2018}
Siblings {April 2018}
Siblings {April 2018}

LP and Little Man are like peas in a pod. They are always mistaken for twins and people are always surprised at their age difference. They have similar personalities in a lot of sense but they have their differences too – Little Man being quite shy where LP is more confident and outgoing is the main one. But to anyone who doesn’t know them well they are the same, boy and girl versions of each other, as similar as Tweedledum and Tweedledee. And they love it that way.

Siblings {April 2018}


  • Donna Wishart is married to Dave and they have two children, Athena (13) and Troy (11). They live in Surrey with their two cats, Fred and George. Once a Bank Manager, Donna has been writing about everything from family finance to days out, travel and her favourite recipes since 2012. Donna is happiest either exploring somewhere new, with her camera in her hand and family by her side or snuggled up with a cat on her lap, reading a book and enjoying a nice cup of tea. She firmly believes that tea and cake can fix most things.

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  1. Your two are so so cute, Donna! They look like twins and your little man will be taller than A soon! I absolutely love all these photos and oh my goodness, you’ve had a busy month! It’s great to spend so much time outdoors. We’ve tried to do that as much as we could as well, despite the dreadful weather 🙂 #siblingsproject

  2. Isn’t it crazy to think the month started with snow! These photos are gorgeous. We live just round the corner to Paradise, so I’m looking forward to visiting the dinosaurs soon xx

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