Overcoming Bedwetting with DryNites | AD

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LP has come so far this year. She started the year as a preschooler, a tiny 3 and a half year old who had been at preschool for just three months. Her first time in her memory that she had been in any other care apart from family and it was such a huge learning curve for her.

Overcoming Bedwetting with DryNites

Since then LP has progressed to school. A four year old, playing a happy sheep in her school nativity, eating lunch each day with her friends and having home work to do every evening. Looking back over the last year she has grown so much – although not physically, as she’s still so tiny, she has grown immeasurably in personality and confidence.

Over the last year LP has gone from having regular toilet accidents at school to having next to no accidents. She’s still wet at night but I know in time, as she grows and gets more confidence, she’ll get past this bedwetting stage too.

LP wears DryNites Pyjama Pants to bed each night and she loves wearing them. She likes that she can pull them up and down by herself. They give her the confidence and ease to go to the toilet in the night if she needs to although this tends to only be soon after she goes to bed or first thing in the morning rather than during the night.

But just giving LP Pyjama Pants to wear has made her feel so much more grown up and instilled that extra bit of confidence in her even whilst she’s still wetting at night.

Overcoming Bedwetting with DryNites

We know that bedwetting is a normal part of growing up and LP will master this stage in her own time. DryNites is working with kids coach Naomi Richards to help parents inspire confidence in their children both day and night and we have been helping to inspire confidence in LP too – which shows in so many aspects of her life.

This year has been a year of changes for LP and she has grown up so much. Next year she’ll be joined by Little Man who will be potty training and after that, when he’s potty trained, we will be helping to inspire confidence in him too to feel grown up during the day and night as we have been with LP. It’s such a big time of changes for our family but both LP and Little Man are excited about the things to come.

As part of the DryNites Confident Kids 24/7 campaign, DryNites are providing parents with helpful tools and advice to boost their child’s confidence and overcome challenges such as bedwetting – you can find out more on the DryNites website. We’ve found the information so useful and know that in time LP will be dry through the night too!

Overcoming Bedwetting with DryNites


  • Donna Wishart

    Donna Wishart is married to Dave and they have two children, Athena (12) and Troy (11). They live in Surrey with their two cats, Fred and George. Once a Bank Manager, Donna has been writing about everything from family finance to days out, travel and her favourite recipes since 2012. Donna is happiest either exploring somewhere new, with her camera in her hand and family by her side or snuggled up with a cat on her lap, reading a book and enjoying a nice cup of tea. She firmly believes that tea and cake can fix most things.

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