
A Great Way of Getting Jobs Done – Introducing S2DNT {Now Toptask} | AD

*This is a paid post

Since the time of writing S2DNT has rebranded to be Toptask – the same great platform just with a shiny new name.

Have you ever needed things doing and just not had the time? Or had something to plan and no idea where to start? Wanted help with something and not known where to turn? Well that’s where S2DNT comes in.

A Great Way of Getting Jobs Done - Introducing S2DNT

S2DNT is a great new app that finds a student who can do pretty much any job for you. This can be literally anything you need doing around your home or workplace or it can be jobs that they can do remotely. At the moment S2DNT is only available around London but to test out their service I decided to use S2DNT to get some remote work done.

A Great Way of Getting Jobs Done - Introducing S2DNT
A Great Way of Getting Jobs Done - Introducing S2DNT

You can download the S2DNT app from the Apple store or Google Play and create any tasks that you would like completed. These are set out in categories and have suggestions like needing a tour guide around London museums, tutoring, babysitting, translation, office work or web based activities. The task I created was for someone to make some buttons for my blog sidebar.

A Great Way of Getting Jobs Done - Introducing S2DNT
A Great Way of Getting Jobs Done - Introducing S2DNT

This is something I knew wouldn’t take long for someone with the right skills and I thought an hour would be long enough for them to create it. I had the choice of paying by the hour at a rate of £17.50 per hour minimum or I could pay a set amount for the task. Any payment has an admin fee on top of just £2.50.

A Great Way of Getting Jobs Done - Introducing S2DNT
A Great Way of Getting Jobs Done - Introducing S2DNT
A Great Way of Getting Jobs Done - Introducing S2DNT
A Great Way of Getting Jobs Done - Introducing S2DNT

Once a student has applied for the task, and you have accepted them for the task, you then pay for the work to be done. This payment is kept by S2DNT until the work is completed but it means that the student will definitely get paid but you have the reassurance that the job will be done to your satisfaction prior to the student receiving the payment. Payment can be made by all major cards however the app does have a Paypal symbol on it but only the card option was available.

A Great Way of Getting Jobs Done - Introducing S2DNT
A Great Way of Getting Jobs Done - Introducing S2DNT

S2DNT then lets you chat to the student in a messenger format to make sure that the student knows exactly what is required. For my task I was able to explain a bit better about what exactly I needed, the format, colours etc before the student got to work. The only slight niggle for me was that the messaging service didn’t have a spell check function and it also had a character limit but these were simple to work around.

A Great Way of Getting Jobs Done - Introducing S2DNT

The student then got to work creating the buttons for me. In the end he emailed me a draft, I asked him to make some changes and he emailed me a second set of buttons across shortly after which fitted the bill. We both then confirmed on the app that the task was complete and payment was released.

For me, S2DNT has been a great service to complete a task that I didn’t have the knowledge to be able to do myself and it was something I could delegate to someone else to do at a standard hourly rate for that kind of work. It also meant the student I chose – Calvin – got paid for work that he completed, a great way to earn extra money whilst studying and from the comfort of his accomodation.

But, S2DNT isn’t just for tasks like mine. I can see it being used by people to get any jobs done or helps with any tasks – from showing them the best places to drink on a London night out, introducing them to the lesser known tourist attractions or working as a guide around some of London’s favourite landmarks.

But, they could also fill temping positions, teach you something or help to organise things for you. There is literally no end to S2DNT’s uses and it really helps create jobs for students and find someone to do any task that you have to hand. I’ve loved using S2DNT and will definitely be using it again in the future.

A Great Way of Getting Jobs Done - Introducing S2DNT
A Great Way of Getting Jobs Done - Introducing S2DNT {Now Toptask}


  • Donna Wishart

    Donna Wishart is married to Dave and they have two children, Athena (12) and Troy (11). They live in Surrey with their two cats, Fred and George. Once a Bank Manager, Donna has been writing about everything from family finance to days out, travel and her favourite recipes since 2012. Donna is happiest either exploring somewhere new, with her camera in her hand and family by her side or snuggled up with a cat on her lap, reading a book and enjoying a nice cup of tea. She firmly believes that tea and cake can fix most things.

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  1. I really like this idea. I know my sister struggles to get work at uni that pays a reasonable rate and you’re right, there are loads of little jobs that students could do that would save people a bit of time. I’m going to check it out next time I need to get some work done and I’m going to pass it onto my sister too.

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