
Getting Ready for SATs with Letts | AD

*This is a paid post

LP absolutely loves school and loves to learn and this year her SATs are coming up. Now, I know there is conflicting opinion on SATs but LP’s school make SATs just like any other day. They don’t put too much emphasis on them for the children and so the children don’t worry about them and don’t have any stress. When LP comes to sit her SATs it should simply test what she knows and what she doesn’t know and she’ll see it as a simple quiz – like many that she’ll have done leading up to that point.

But at any stage through a child’s education there are times when they might need a bit of extra help and support – and the lead up to the SATs is one of those times where the additional learning needs become apparent. So this year Letts have sent us a set of their Key Stage 1 books for LP. They are the perfect books to work alongside the learning children receive at school but let you help your child learn more from the comfort of your own home too.

Getting Ready for SATs with Letts

There are individual books for each topic – Science, English and Maths. Each of the books is a nice, large format and so bright and fun – making learning as interesting and exciting as possible for children.

Each of the revision books has aspects to help children learn through seeing, hearing or doing to help them engage with each topic and really learn as much as they can. Each book has a free audio guide that you can download to use alongside the book to give a really full learning experience.

The books are perfectly matched to the requirements of the National Curriculum and they contain simple and clear explanations of every topic with quick tests and practice questions to check understanding. They are the sort of books you can work through in bite size chunks, after school or at weekends. LP doesn’t need to sit for an hour revising, she can do a couple of pages at a time and come back to it later.

Getting Ready for SATs with Letts

As the books are so well laid out they are perfect to dip in and out of and cover the whole of the curriculum. Working through the books with LP I was impressed with how much she already knew but it also showed me aspects that she could do with working on a little more and other topics that her class hadn’t covered yet.

LP loves to learn but even her brother has been looking at the revision guides with her. He usually lacks concentration and finds it hard to stay engaged but they both really enjoyed the colourful pages in the books and were happy to listen to the audio guides, read the information and have a go at answering the questions in each section.

Getting Ready for SATs with Letts

At whatever stage of the children’s education, Letts have revision books that are perfect for them. But, they don’t just have to be used in the run up to exams. Children can revise and learn from home at any point and the KS1 books are the perfect home learning resource for children aged five to seven.

You can find out more about the KS1 Letts books here.

Getting Ready for SATs with Letts


  • Donna Wishart is married to Dave and they have two children, Athena (13) and Troy (11). They live in Surrey with their two cats, Fred and George. Once a Bank Manager, Donna has been writing about everything from family finance to days out, travel and her favourite recipes since 2012. Donna is happiest either exploring somewhere new, with her camera in her hand and family by her side or snuggled up with a cat on her lap, reading a book and enjoying a nice cup of tea. She firmly believes that tea and cake can fix most things.

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  1. Ah these are a bit of a blast from the past! I used to use Letts books when I was revising so I’m pleased they’re still going.

    I have two children going through SATs this year – one in year 2 and one in year 6. This post has given me a kick up the bum to start thinking about some sort of consolidation work for them both so thank you .

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