Chicken Pox {The Ordinary Moments}
Welcome back to another week of the Ordinary Moments. If you havenโt joined in before this is a weekly linky that launches every Sunday morning and is open until midnight on the following Saturday. Itโs a linky that celebrates any ordinary moments in your life โ or the not so ordinary some weeks too. Basically โ anything goes. Iโll be sharing and commenting on the posts that are linked up during the week and thereโs a badge at the bottom of the post if youโd like to add it to yours too.
When I was a child I had chicken pox. I remember it vividly. I would stand in front of the TV each evening, with the fire on to keep me warm whilst my mum put calamine lotion on my spots. It was like cold chalk paint and has this smell that I can’t describe but can smell even now.
Those days seemed to go on forever. It’s left such an imprint in my memory that when my own children got chicken pox I expect it to last for weeks and weeks. But, when LP got chicken pox last week she was fine and out of the contagious part within about five days.
But that’s not to say it wasn’t awful. Those five days were the longest of my parenting life. Each day she was miserable, wouldn’t eat and hated getting changed, let alone having anything put on her spots.
She’d stand in the bathroom for me, letting me put cream on the spots – calamine cream is so much nicer than the lotion I had as a child. But, she would cry that she felt uncomfortable, that the cream was cold and that she just, really, didn’t like it.
Every other day I gave her an oaty bath with bicarbonate of soda in it. This both moisturised and dried out her skin at the same time but she really enjoyed it. The warm water eased her spots and she got to pretend she wasn’t poorly for a few minutes. But the bath couldn’t be too hot and she couldn’t stay in it too long. Even a simple bath was so much harder than normal.
But, by the morning of the sixth day LP was back to normal. She was eating again, smiling again and back to her normal self – just covered in spots that had thankfully scabbed up by that point. It was so, so hard to see her so unwell. She is always so happy, always so lovely to be around and chicken pox pretty much zapped her personality. It left her weak and sad and I am so glad that it’s now behind us and LP is back to her perfect little self.
(I shouldn’t need to say it, but I will anyway. These photos were taken once she’d come out of the contagious phase of chicken pox during our weekend away. We didn’t take her out of the house with chicken pox)
If you have an ordinary moment this week, come and link up – I’m looking forward to reading the moments that you share and will comment and share them on Twitter through the course of the week. Thanks so much for taking part.
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Oh I too remember chicken pox vividky from my own childhood. It was horrible! Our Penguin had it a few years ago, and took it pretty much in his stride, and thankfully got through it quicker than I expected. Glad to hear it wasn’t TOO bad for your child either. x #theordinarymoments
Awww Donna look at her! Those spotty smiles are so cute! Beautiful pic and I am glad that wasn’t to sick with them. They are super annoying though and she sounds like a right trooper. x
Aww bless. I remember having them when the boys had it and it was horrid. I was at work when I started coming out in them. Aria got them at the end of last year and she wasn’t too bad. Awful to watch though. She looks happy enough and what a cutie she is xx
I don’t remember much of having chicken pox as a kid, I don’t think I got that many, I do have the scars to prove it though. This household is yet to get them, I’m hoping when it does come its over fairly quickly.
Glad it didn’t seem to last too long for her, and she’s on the mend.
It’s a couple of years since my girls had it and they still talk about it. Troy must be about due his dose now!
I am very much dreading the pox hitting our house as we haven’t had it yet and every tiny spot I think thats it! Bless her glad she was ok after not very long. x
Sorry to read that she’s been through chicken pox. It’s lovely that she’s on the way to recovery now. #TheOrdinaryMoments