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Heated Airer: Dry-Soon 3 Tier Heated Airer Review

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Like a lot of people I find it hard to dry washing as soon as the summer ends. I feel like we were spoilt with lovely washing line drying weather that lulled me into a false sense of security and now that Autumn is here, and with two children, washing wasn’t drying clothes quick enough on our old drying rack.

We were finding that we don’t have enough drying space to dry laundry or enough room to hang it all out to dry. I turned to Twitter for advice at the start of the year on tumble dryers and one of my lovely followers suggested the Lakeland Dry-Soon Heated Airer and a few other people said that they had also been looking at them.

To be honest, we didn’t really have the room for a tumble dryer and I would worry that it would cost the earth to run and shrink all our clothes. So the Dry-Soon Heated Airer seemed like the ideal solution.

How do you dry clothes in winter?

Well, I bit the bullet back in January and purchased the Heated Clothes Airer! £93 and Lakeland threw in a £50 wine voucher, so I ended up with an airer and 6 bottles of wine for the £93 – plus £5 for the delivery charge on the wine. The Heated Airer arrived quickly and I was really pleased – apart from it being chucked over our back gate and left in the rain by the courier company! But that’s another story.

Dry-Soon 3 Tier Heated Airer - Standard
Dry-Soon 3 Tier Heated Airer – Standard

What were our first impressions of the Dry-Soon 3 Tier Heated Airer?

We literally used the Heated Clothes Dryer daily when it arrived and only stopped using it over summer but still turned to it for help on days with bad weather and have been using it again daily since the days have got colder.

It fits a big load of washing on it depending on what we wash and if we do a big load of little baby things they take up so much room and it’s chock full of clothes but if we wash a big adult wash then there is often space left over after loading!

The product information states that it can hold 15kg of wet washing and there’s 21m of drying space – I’m taking their word for it as I never weigh my wet washing and don’t fancy getting my tape measure out to test the drying space but take my word for it, there’s more than enough space for a load of washing!

Dry-Soon 3 Tier Heated Airer in use
Dry-Soon 3 Tier Heated Airer being used

How do we use the Dry-Soon 3 Tier Heated Airer? Can you leave heated airers on overnight?

We turn Electric Clothes Airers on overnight and everything will generally be dry the following morning – the bottom layer is only really suitable for small things – socks, pants and little baby things – anything bigger than that doesn’t dry very well because of the hot air rising.

You can also lay things flat over the drying areas or you can fold down sections of the dryer to accommodate things that need a longer drop when drying. You can also only open one half of the dryer if you have less to dry or if space is an issue.

We have been using the Heated Clothes Horse for the best part of a year now and could not be happier. It does exactly what we need it to do and is so easy to use! The only negative I have found so far is that we don’t know where to store it when not in use.

The Electric Airer clothes dryer folds flat but is still full height and 8cm thick for storage which is a lot bigger than our previous traditional airer. The other slight annoyance is that there isn’t a clip or anything to hold the electrical cable when not in use so it can’t be stored as tidily as I would like.

How economical is the Dry-Soon 3 Tier Heated Airer to run?

The Dry-Soon Heated Airer costs 5p per hour to run – I have no idea how this compares to a tumble dryer as I’ve never had one – and smaller sizes are available if space is an issue or you don’t need as much drying space.

What are our overall thoughts of the Dry-Soon 3 Tier Heated Airer?

This heated direr has to be one of the best things I’ve ever bought and to think that last winter I didn’t even know indoor clothes Heated Airers existed! Amazing! If you don’t have the space for a tumble dryer, or can’t afford to run one then a Heated Laundry Airer could be a good alternative. Also, you don’t have to plug it in so in nicer weather it can be used like a traditional airer with no running costs!

You can find more options here – there is also a 4 tier tower airer and I’m sure I’ve seen a wall mounted heated clothes airer too. We have the standard airer but there’s also now a Deluxe version which looks ace too – and comes with a cover!

Dry-Soon 3 Tier Heated Airer Review


  • Donna Wishart

    Donna Wishart is married to Dave and they have two children, Athena (12) and Troy (11). They live in Surrey with their two cats, Fred and George. Once a Bank Manager, Donna has been writing about everything from family finance to days out, travel and her favourite recipes since 2012. Donna is happiest either exploring somewhere new, with her camera in her hand and family by her side or snuggled up with a cat on her lap, reading a book and enjoying a nice cup of tea. She firmly believes that tea and cake can fix most things.

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  1. I can’t believe you don’t have a tumble dryer! I loved mine. We now have a combination washer dryer though, as we don’t have room for them to be seperate and it’s no where near as good. It can take hours for it to dry one load of washing. We use it for sheets/towels/the kids clothes. We are then left with our clothes. I won’t tumble dry our clothes as it shrinks them and so we end up draping them over an airer and hanging items in doorways. This heated airer is genius, absolute genius! I didn’t realise such a thing existed. I’m assuming it doesn’t shrink clothes either? It is quite pricey, but such a useful idea I’m going to look further into it. Thank you for blogging about it!

    1. I didn’t know these existed either until I asked Twitter about the pros and cons of a tumble dryer! No clothes shrinkage at all. It really is the best investment we’ve made! x

  2. I’ve never heard of one of these! Do you find you get condensation in the house though because of all of the water that has evaporated? x

  3. I’ve never heard of these either, but they look like a very clever idea. I do love my dryer but I’m not sure how much electric it uses! Will have to have a look and see if I can benefit from this instead. Thank you

  4. I remember when you bought this – glad to hear it’s been a good investment. I have to admit I couldn’t live without our tumble drier now, although I probably use it more than I should, it does make me lazy!

  5. I didn’t know there was such a thing. I’ve got both a tumble drier and a standard airer. Although last night had to resort to the radiators, as most of son1’s school sport kit can’t go in the tumble drier and it was needed back in school today #TriedTested

  6. I’ve heard a lot of good things about these and we’ve looked at buying on the last few winters. We have terrible problems with damp & condensation from doing all the drying during the winter.
    Thanks for linking up with #TriedTested this week x

  7. That is an excellent item. We always have clothes on airers and radiators as well as having a tumble drier, and 5p an hour is very reasonable – our tumble drier is big but costs us about 48p a load, and is no good for all the printed t-shirts and bras etc.

  8. Wow, these look fab! we are really struggling keeping on top of the washing with no dryer so i am definitely going to look into these! thanks x

  9. I recollect when you purchased this – delighted to hear it’s been a wise speculation. I need to concede I was unable to live without our tumble drier now, in spite of the fact that I likely use it more than I ought to, it makes me lethargic!

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