To Our Children’s Teachers on the Last Day of Term

Dear Teachers,

Here we are. Another year done and another summer ready to begin. I know that the summer isn’t all free time for you – there’s planning for next year, inset days and even just sorting the classroom out before you leave today, ready for September and the new class that you’ll have.

This year hasn’t been a big year for either of our children. There hasn’t been SATs or the last year of Infants/Juniors. It hasn’t been the first year of school and it hasn’t been their last year of Primary. But, it has been a big year for the children nonetheless.

Our children have grown so much over the last three terms. They have learnt so much and their minds have expanded incredibly. They continue to be little sponges that soak up every fact they hear, that love to read, love to create and really love to use their imaginations.

Over the last year you have played a huge part in that growth. You have taught them about Celts and Romans, about pirates, farms and the food chain and about space. You have made learning exciting and you have found ways to teach them that help the information sink in, ways that they find engaging and, above all else, you have made school a place where they really want to be. They are content at school.

LP and Little Man love school. They go to school happily in the mornings and they have so much to tell me about their day when they come home. Every school holiday, whatever we do, they will say how they can’t wait to go back to school, how they miss their friends and how they miss you, their teachers. They love school because of you and because you have helped instil in them a thirst for learning.

Each year LP and Little Man get a new teacher and each year those teachers help to cultivate their minds, they help to sow seeds of knowledge and they help to inspire interests in so many topics that overflow into the hours after school and the weekends.

This year Little Man has discovered space and now has a space themed bedroom. He knows all the planets and can tell you about most of the space missions too. He’ll tell you that his favourite spaceships are Saturn V and Atlantis, knowing so much about them – so much more than most six year olds.

LP learnt about the Romans this year and pretty much showed us the way around Rome, pointing out things she’d learnt about and telling us facts that we had never heard before.

Last week the school reports came home and they were full of how well the children were doing, the things they excelled at and the things that they were working hard to improve upon. But, on the first page was a message from you, a message that showed just how well you know each and every one of the children in the class and how much you care about them and their journey through school. They were lovely messages that said so much more than the rest of their reports.

Someone said recently that the best gift you can give a teacher at the end of the school year is a meaningful card. Our children wrote the cards this year and I don’t think they put much more than to and from in them. So this is for you, the teachers who have spent so much time with our children over the last year, who have guided them, helped them and taught them so much.

Thank you for all that you do. You go above and beyond despite stretched resources, working tirelessly in your own time to make your class, and the school, the best learning environment for the children. You do so much and it doesn’t go unnoticed. We really appreciate every late night, every weekend spent planning and every inset day where you’re training whilst we have a bonus day out with the children.

Have an amazing summer – you have more than earned it. And know that when September comes the children will move across to a new classroom and a new teacher but a year of their school life will always remind them of you.

Thank you so much.

The Wisharts

To Our Children's Teachers on the Last Day of Term


  • Donna Wishart is married to Dave and they have two children, Athena (13) and Troy (11). They live in Surrey with their two cats, Fred and George. Once a Bank Manager, Donna has been writing about everything from family finance to days out, travel and her favourite recipes since 2012. Donna is happiest either exploring somewhere new, with her camera in her hand and family by her side or snuggled up with a cat on her lap, reading a book and enjoying a nice cup of tea. She firmly believes that tea and cake can fix most things.

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  1. I’m not a teacher at your child’s school but I am a teacher and this has really made me smile so much. Thank you for your kind words. It really truly is the the best job in the world!

    1. You’re so welcome. I wanted it to be more to ‘teachers’ generally but had to write about our own experience – I think it must be similar across the board. Thanks for doing the job you do x

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