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Making Money: Sell Unwanted Gift Cards and Declutter with Zapper Review | AD

*This is a paid post

It’s that time of year when you might be looking for a little extra cash after the big expense of Christmas but also, you may have received Christmas presents that you don’t need and among them gift cards that you don’t think you will ever use. So why not sell them with Zapper?

Making Money: Sell Unwanted Gift Cards and Declutter with Zapper

I have been using Zapper for years to sell our old books, DVDs and computer games but now they have added gift cards to their service, meaning that you can simply swap the dead weight of a gift card you will never use for cash that you can then spend on anything you need – even groceries, rent or utility bills.

Zapper is now a one stop resource for decluttering and making a little extra money at the same time. As well as buying all of our old books, DVDs, and computer games Zapper also buy electronics, mobile phones and even Lego sets. So if your children have outgrown their Lego Friends collection or you just need some more room in your home you can send them the sets and fill the children’s piggy banks at the same time.

Making Money: Sell Unwanted Gift Cards and Declutter with Zapper

I have always been a big advocate of selling websites and Zapper makes it so easy to sell pretty much anything. You can zap barcodes on most products using the Zapper app on your mobile phone or you can type the barcodes in online.

For other things like electronics you can select your item from drop down category lists and gift vouchers couldn’t be easier – you just select the store and the value and add it to your selling basket.

Making Money: Sell Unwanted Gift Cards and Declutter with Zapper

Zapper offer a free postal service too, making the sales process as seamless as possible. Payment is made by cheque and is usually received within 14 days of posting the items to Zapper.

I know there have been times where I haven’t known what to spend a gift voucher on, probably using it just before it expired on something I didn’t really want or need. But now, thanks to Zapper, I can change those unwanted vouchers into much more appreciated cash at slightly lower than the face value of the voucher and can spend it on things I really need.

Next time I’m having a spring clean I’ll be using Zapper to get rid of all the books and movies that we no longer needs but I’ll also be adding in vouchers too – although I’m not sure our family are ready to part with our Lego yet!

Sell Unwanted Gift Cards and Declutter with Zappe


  • Donna Wishart

    Donna Wishart is married to Dave and they have two children, Athena (12) and Troy (11). They live in Surrey with their two cats, Fred and George. Once a Bank Manager, Donna has been writing about everything from family finance to days out, travel and her favourite recipes since 2012. Donna is happiest either exploring somewhere new, with her camera in her hand and family by her side or snuggled up with a cat on her lap, reading a book and enjoying a nice cup of tea. She firmly believes that tea and cake can fix most things.

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