Cat Love {The Ordinary Moments}

LP and Little Man always loved our cats but since Luke died a few months ago LP’s love of Leia has gone steadily up a notch. She talks about the cat morning, noon and night and always looks for her when she comes home from school.

LP absolutely adores the cat and talks about ‘her pet’ all the time. She points out Leia’s eye colour, the fact she has a nose, ears and mouth just like us and every other characteristic she can think of. It’s one constant monologue that we are now just so familiar with.

Recently though, leia has started to return LP’s affections. When our boy cat was still around Leia was very timid and wouldn’t go near the children much at all, always hiding if we had guests. Since then she has started to come out of her shell and will even go up to the children and miaow at them, rub herself against them or sit with them.

Leia and LP love each other incredibly and it reminds me of my family cat when I was growing up. Watching Leia lay next to LP an LP stroke her absent-mindedly whilst she watches TV is lovely and I hope they continue to be best friends for a long time to come. The love of a pet is like nothing else and Leia is a friend to all of us but it’s only now that I appreciate how much she loves the children too.

Cat Love {The Ordinary Moments}

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  1. Oh Donna, this made me a bit emotional this morning, I don’t know whats wrong with me! That’s lovely that their relationship is blossoming more and more, so sweet and such a sweet photo. We got two little kittens last year but we then started travelling a lot and they were costing us a fortune in cattery bills so we rehomed them after a couple of months, before we all got too attached to them. It’s silly because now we are in the routine of Mads school, I feel like we should have kept them, because life has slowed down. I think children with pets is the most precious thing. x

  2. Aww, that’s so lovely, especially now Leia is being affectionate back. Gorgeous photo capturing their relationship. Such a beautiful cat too, those eyes! Xx #ordinarymoments

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