Me & Mine {September 2015}
This month has been all about LP starting school and us getting used to our new routine. I can’t believe how quick this month has gone but one thing is for sure – we are all finding life pretty exhausting!
LP has never been so tired as she has been the last few weeks. With longer school days, an earlier wake up, earlier drop off and swimming lessons moved to later in the day too it feels like she is always on the go. All of us have spent some of the month poorly too which has just added to the tiredness.
LP really enjoys school though and she still likes putting her uniform on in the morning. Little Man and I are making the most of the days whilst LP is at school and have gone on so many playdates this month and little mini adventures that when we pick LP up in the afternoons we all need some down time to relax! But it’s been fun and I’m looking forward to the rest of the year being like this month, although I hope our energy levels improve!
As a family we have managed a family day out to Drusillas Park as well as going to a couple of Birthday parties this month too. It’s been a busy month and I know that October will be much the same but I’m looking forward to it – half term especially!
Oh yes the tiredness!! I remember Lili being just like that in the first term last year. Bless them, it’s such a shock to their little systems and being ill definitely would not have helped. Good that she’s happy and settled in though. Great pictures, we went here last year and the girls LOVED IT!! Such a cute little find #meandmine xxx
Aww, bless LP and her tiredness. Full time school must be exhausting for a little girl who is only just four. I bet it must be lovely for you and LM to get some time together now too though. Loving the newest addition to your family in the photos too – so kind of her to share a bench 🙂