Me & Mine {November 2020}
I’m not quite sure how we’ve got to the end of November already. I think November has been the quickest month yet, one that brought lockdown with it and one that leads us quite nicely into the festive season.
Like many other recent months, we haven’t done a huge amount in November. We’ve put the house back together after the loft conversion, found homes for so many things and put the Christmas decorations up.
We also had a socially distanced photoshoot with Hayley – where this months photo comes from – and went to a local country park another day as well. It was also Dave’s birthday this month, but like with all lockdown and pandemic birthdays, it was a quiet affair.
And that’s November. Low key, spent mostly at home and just getting on with life quietly. It’s been a nice month, spent mostly as our little foursome, and now we’re all looking forward to Christmas.