A Busy Life {The Ordinary Moments}
My Ordinary Moments post for this week was going to be a completely different post but, right now, sitting in a family hotel room with the children sleeping in their beds and me blogging in the dark so as not to disturb them, I felt like writing a different post.
The last few months have been so busy. In fact, life has been so busy since I gave up my day job. I think, since then, I have crammed as much as possible into the time I have with the children. We have made the most of every experience, every day out, every review and we have moved plans around as much as we can to accommodate as much as possible. We have had such a busy life for at least six months now – and I think this is the way life is for us now.
Last month we went to Butlins, we had a weekend at Center Parcs and we’re currently on a weekend away in Hampshire. The next two weekends have no plans but I know they will be filled with jobs at home, Ikea trips and all those things that we haven’t had a chance to do. They will be busy weekends full of home and life rather than days out and adventures – but busy all the same.
I am constantly planning our next adventures, writing about the last ones and editing photos of everything we get up to. It’s a constant cycle of days out and then work, weekends away and then work, review trips and then work. But, I love my job. I love being able to whisk the children off on an adventure, see their happy faces and make memories with them – and writing about it afterwards is part of that. I write about our adventures and it cements them for us, gives us something to look back on and records them for the future.
This job is like nothing else. It’s a job that has opened our world and has given us so much and it’s a job that I really couldn’t love any more than I do. But, I don’t think I’ll ever take it for granted, I appreciate every single experience and trip so much – and I know the children love it too.
I may be constantly busy, I may feel so tired sometimes but I know these are all experiences the children will look back on when they grow – the family hotel rooms, hotel breakfasts, car journeys and surprise days out. I don’t think I will ever be too busy to make more memories.
If you have an ordinary moment this week, come and link up with myself and Katie – we love reading your posts each week.
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Wow sounds like quitting your day job was the best thing you could have ever done lovely. That is wonderful it is all working out for you. What lovely photos xx
It really does sound like the perfect thing for you and your family. I aspire to work from home but sadly i don’t think it’ll happen x
I get so jealous of all your adventures, but I know in reality I like a quieter life. I would struggle if I was super busy more than 2 weekends a month. You work so hard and it’s great that you enjoy it and it’s paying off x
Donna you work so hard both for your family and the blogging community, and it is so lovely to see that the hard work is being fruitful for you! I think only bloggers can really understand the mixture of madness and joy that comes from doing reviews. Then the mad dash to edit and post something wonderful and decent in return! I can completely see why your’e exhausted but of course what a wonderful “job” to have”! Im thinking someone needs to send you to review a spa hahhahaha xx #ordinarymoments
It certainly does sound like a busy life but one that you are happy with and is working out is amazing x
Good luck Hannah, I am sure you will ace it – and I’m always here if you need any advice or support x