11 Ways to Get Added Peace of Mind in Life | AD
*This is a collaborative post
As an adult navigating through life there are so many things that we have to do and have to have. If we own a home with a mortgage we have to have buildings insurance, if we drive a car we have to have car tax and car insurance. But, there are also many things in life that aren’t mandatory but will give you added peace of mind. These can be on a day to day basis or in worst case scenarios. Here are a few things that can help calm your mind in life.
A Stable Home
As an adult the first thing that gives real peace of mind is having a stable home. Whether that’s living with your parents or a house share with friends, buying your first home or having the reassurance of living somewhere with a long tenancy agreement in place. Having that roof over your head and somewhere that’s yours takes so much weight off your mental load.
Household Insurance
But, when you have a home that’s yours, full of all your worldly possessions, you may worry about the ifs buts and maybes. Having insurance to cover your possessions in the event of theft, fire or even just accidental damage may give you added peace of mind.
An Emergency Fund
Do you have access to money in case of emergency? This could be an overdraft facility, a credit card or a savings account with cash in it that you can take out when you need it. Some people even have a little wad of cash hidden somewhere at home. Having access to money when you need it, at times of dire emergency, really does make you feel better about the things life could throw at you. If your car breaks down, your washing machine dies or you end up stranded somewhere. Who knows what could happen?
Credit Cards
Another great reason to have a credit card is the peace of mind it gives you when shopping. The majority of credit cards give added protection if a company goes into administration, if products or services don’t materialise or if you have any other problems with a transaction. For this reason we buy all large purchases on a credit card – even if we then pay them straight off afterwards.
Travel Insurance
Whether you’re travelling within your own country or further afield, travel insurance is so important. Especially given recent events! Travel insurance can cover everything from days out to extended holidays in the event of sickness or cancellation giving complete peace of mind whenever you book a trip.
Internet Security
One aspect of life that many people worry about is the internet. Such a great invention and yet, all that personal information out there for people to get access to via social media, baking apps and even just comments on forums. Having some level of internet safety knowledge would definitely ease the worry as well as having some internet security software or apps to keep everything as safe as possible.
A Secure Job
As a self employed person I know that having a secure job gives so much more peace of mind. Being employed by someone gives extra benefits that the self employed just don’t have. Paid sick pay, paid annual leave, pension schemes. Having a secure job, and being with the same company a long time gives the most peace of mind where work is concerned.
Income Protection
But do you ever worry about what will happen if you get sick and can’t work? How much paid sick pay do you get with your job? After that, how much does the government pay and how long for? Would you be able to live off that in the event of a long term illness? Income protection is there to help in those situations.
Critical Illness
And what about if you get an illness that you may not recover from? Or an illness that will stop you from working or supporting your family indefinitely? Critical Illness cover helps in that sort of situation. If you have a life threatening illness then critical illness cover makes sure you have one less thing to worry about at those difficult times.
Life Insurance
I know we hate to think about it but, what would happen if you died? Would you mortgage get paid off? Would your family be provided for? Life insurance takes away some of this worry. A quick rule of thumb is that you should take a policy for 10 times your annual salary to ensure you’re fully covered.
A Will
A will gives the ultimate peace of mind, knowing all your wishes will be taken care of in the event of your death. Who you want to look after your children, what do you want to happen to your home, your pet and how you’d like your estate to be divided up. It seems to be something people think about the older that they get but you are never too young to write a will.
So those are just a few ways you can get extra peace of mind however old you are and whatever stage of life you’re in. You really can’t put a price on easing your mental load and knowing you have every eventuality covered. Is there anything I’ve missed that gives you that extra peace of mind?