Wobbly Teeth {The Ordinary Moments}

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Welcome back to another week of the Ordinary Moments. If you haven’t joined in before this is a weekly linky that launches every Sunday morning and is open until midnight on the following Saturday. It’s a linky that celebrates any ordinary moments in your life – or the not so ordinary some weeks too. Basically – anything goes. I’ll be sharing and commenting on the posts that are linked up during the week and there’s a badge at the bottom of the post if you’d like to add it to yours too.

Over the last year or so Little Man has watched his sister lose tooth after tooth. She’s lost four so far and each time he sees her leave her tooth in Sophie’s backpack before bed and find a shiny gold coin in its place in the morning. But, he had never question when he would get wobbly teeth, it’s not something he was excited about or even bothered about really.

But then on his birthday, eating dough balls with his dinner, he cried out and said his tooth hurt. We said it might be wobbly and I really don’t think he wanted it to be true. He was happy without wobbly teeth but, sure enough, he had his first wobbler at the front of his mouth.

Little Man isn’t great with new situations. He takes time to get used to things and ease into things. So we have spent the last week with him cautiously touching his wobbly tooth, telling us what he can and can’t eat and planning what will happen when his tooth finally comes out.

We bought him a little pirate, his very own Sophie – although it doesn’t have a name yet – and he’s excited to put his tooth in it’s backpack and see what happens. But, I don’t think he’s very excited about actually losing his tooth. And for me, it’s cemented the fact that my little boy is not so little anymore. He really is growing up and he has a wobbly tooth to prove it.

Wobbly Teeth {The Ordinary Moments}
The Ordinary Moments

If you have an ordinary moment this week, come and link up – I’m looking forward to reading the moments that you share and will comment and share them on Twitter through the course of the week. Thanks so much for taking part.

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  • Donna Wishart

    Donna Wishart is married to Dave and they have two children, Athena (12) and Troy (11). They live in Surrey with their two cats, Fred and George. Once a Bank Manager, Donna has been writing about everything from family finance to days out, travel and her favourite recipes since 2012. Donna is happiest either exploring somewhere new, with her camera in her hand and family by her side or snuggled up with a cat on her lap, reading a book and enjoying a nice cup of tea. She firmly believes that tea and cake can fix most things.

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  1. Aww it really is a special milestone. My little one has her first wobbly tooth too and not wanting it to come out. The boys were quite old when they lost their teeth. I remember being worried they would believe by the tome it came out as he was almost 8. Thankfully I had a few years. Xx

  2. Awww bless him Boo hated loosing his tooth, it was torturous at the end the tooth was sideways and we still weren’t allowed to pull it out.

    He now has another wobble one and I am dreading it to be honest. Xx

  3. J has had quite a few wobbly teeth over the years whereas E hasn’t had a single one yet. Such a brave little man he is and such a cute photo Donna.

  4. It’s such a big deal isn’t it?! My 5 year old is desperate to lose a tooth after witnessing the tooth fairy come a lot for her older sister she can’t wait for it to be her turn! #ordinarymoments

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