Siblings – {October 2016}

This month has gone by in a blur and looking through my photos from the month I can see, easily, how life has changed in just a month. With Little Man now being at preschool, he and LP don’t spend as much time together at all – and after school they are both too exhausted for any big adventures.

Because of that we haven’t taken any photos this month and instead I’ve had to use some review photos that were literally the only photos of the children together that I’ve taken in the whole of the last month.

Siblings - {October 2016}

LP and Little Man now relish their time together and always make a point of kissing and hugging whenever they’ve been apart. They love having their own time but they love to have time back together again too.

Siblings - {October 2016}

We are all looking forward to half term, where we can have proper time together again. This term has felt like a long one – especially with Little Man’s new routine – and we all need a break from it. But it hasn’t been bad, just busy and something we have all had to get used to.

Hopefully the next month will bring lots more opportunity for photos and some outings where LP and Little Man can spend some time together. I will do better next month!

Siblings - {October 2016}


  • Donna Wishart is married to Dave and they have two children, Athena (13) and Troy (11). They live in Surrey with their two cats, Fred and George. Once a Bank Manager, Donna has been writing about everything from family finance to days out, travel and her favourite recipes since 2012. Donna is happiest either exploring somewhere new, with her camera in her hand and family by her side or snuggled up with a cat on her lap, reading a book and enjoying a nice cup of tea. She firmly believes that tea and cake can fix most things.

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  1. I agree so much Donna, this term has felt like a really really long one for sure. I know my two are so ready for the break and time together as a family. It has been a busy term for us too. I think I am in need of the break of taxi driver for everything from swimming to soccer and gymnastic. Lovely captures of your two munchkins they are growing up so fast. #siblingsproject

  2. It really has gone by so fast and I am finding it harder to get pictures of the girls together. Alice is so tired from school that we are keeping weekends quiet, as much as possible. I love their outfits they look cute x #thesiblingsproject

  3. It can be such hard work getting photos of them can’t it. I got lucky this month as I just happened to have my camera to hand when they were getting along! But if I try and set up a photo it usually doesn’t go well! x #siblingsproject

  4. Aww that’s so cute how they are together when they’ve been apart. I keep thinking about when Zach starts school next year and how once again such big change is coming. They have to go through so many adjustments bless them! #siblingsproject

  5. Oh bless them kissing and hugging when they see each other again, that’s too cute! Are they actually the same size now? It looks it from these pictures 🙂

  6. Little Man is looking so big now, it’s crazy how quickly they seem to catch up to the older sibling and all that baby-ness has gone! Mine are the same in that they do enjoy the time away from each other and the time to themselves but love being back together too, the best of both worlds 🙂 xx

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