Siblings {May 2016}

This month I have left it until the last minute to write this post thinking that I didn’t have any photos to go with it but looking back over the last few weeks and I realise that LP and Little Man have had some of the best times together and I actually have so, so many photos this month.

Siblings {May 2016}
Siblings {May 2016}
Siblings {May 2016}

The month started with our trip to Alton Towers where the children were inseparable. They went swimming together, went on rides together, walked round the aquarium together and slept in bunk beds together. They were never far from the other’s side and we were all sad when that weekend came to an end and LP had to return to school.

Siblings {May 2016}
Siblings {May 2016}

But the last few weeks have been full of days in the sun, playing in the garden and having picnics together. The children have loved every minute and they are always happiest when they are together.

Siblings {May 2016}
Siblings {May 2016}

LP and Little Man give each other hugs when the first see each other in the morning, when they part ways at school drop off, at school pick up and again before bed. Seeing them cuddle, a proper tight squeeze of a cuddle is one of the nicest thing about having siblings. Seeing that pure, raw love between them. They’re growing up so close and I hope nothing ever comes in the way of that bond that they share.

Siblings {May 2016}
Siblings {May 2016}

For the next few months LP and Little Man are three and four and they have never been closer. They like the same things, watch the same TV shows, have the same mannerisms and are just so similar – you can hardly tell that there’s twenty months between them any more and it makes me so glad we had them so close together – although it was so hard at times.

Siblings {May 2016}

This summer is going to be the best summer yet for LP and Little Man. They get to experience so much together – so many days out, a holiday abroad and their first time on a plane. They have so much to look forward to and May has been a great intro to that – sunny days, sleepovers in each other’s bedrooms and days out. It has been a pretty lovely month.

Siblings {May 2016}


  • Donna Wishart is married to Dave and they have two children, Athena (13) and Troy (11). They live in Surrey with their two cats, Fred and George. Once a Bank Manager, Donna has been writing about everything from family finance to days out, travel and her favourite recipes since 2012. Donna is happiest either exploring somewhere new, with her camera in her hand and family by her side or snuggled up with a cat on her lap, reading a book and enjoying a nice cup of tea. She firmly believes that tea and cake can fix most things.

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  1. I love watching my two give each other a proper cuddle, too. They tend to do it just as Boo goes into school each day and it’s so sweet to see. Looks like your two have had a lot of fun together this month, and they looks so, so close x

  2. Wow what a fun packed month! There is 19 months between my two youngest and it’s so so special! Hard at first, like you say, but so wonderful as they get older! X

  3. Oh that’s so lovely, your photos of Alton Towers are amazing, I love how bright they are. Your two are similar to mine in age difference and how close they are to each other.

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