Me & Mine {December 2014}

I can’t quite believe this year is over. My first year of joining in with these family portrait projects and we have now come full circle. This year has taught me so much about photography, has made me think differently about photos and has made me get in front of the camera rather than just behind it and will definitely be continuing Me & Mine next year.

December for us has been pretty awesome. Dave and I have both had time off work and most days have involved Christmas TV, Christmas Music, sofa snuggles and treats! It has been a month of indulgence, quality time, friends and family. To say we have loved it would be an understatement – it could well be my favourite month of the year.

Me & Mine {December 2014}

We had a perfect Christmas and took our Me & Mine photos on Christmas day, just before LP had an attack of conjunctivitis and spent the rest of the next few days looking like she’d been in a fight. But that aside, Christmas was great and Iย am already looking forward to next year!

Here’s a look back at our Me & Mine photos from the year:

Me & Mine {December 2014}
Me & Mine {December 2014}
Me & Mine {December 2014}
Me & Mine {December 2014}
Me & Mine {December 2014}
Me & Mine {December 2014}
Me & Mine {December 2014}
Me & Mine {December 2014}
Me & Mine {December 2014}
Me & Mine {December 2014}
Me & Mine {December 2014}
Me & Mine {December 2014}


  • Donna Wishart is married to Dave and they have two children, Athena (13) and Troy (11). They live in Surrey with their two cats, Fred and George. Once a Bank Manager, Donna has been writing about everything from family finance to days out, travel and her favourite recipes since 2012. Donna is happiest either exploring somewhere new, with her camera in her hand and family by her side or snuggled up with a cat on her lap, reading a book and enjoying a nice cup of tea. She firmly believes that tea and cake can fix most things.

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  1. Awww, I’m loving that its a Christmas Day photo by the tree. Thats kind of a required shot I think, and yours is lovely and so happy and fun. It’s great to see all your photos together like this, you really see how the kids have grown over the year, and its such a nice record of your family throughout 2014. Looking forward to next year’s photos already. x

  2. You all look so happy! It’s amazing to put all the photos for the year together isn’t it? Our babies have changed so much since January! I can’t wait for another year of Me & Mine to see how much they change in another year.

  3. Aww, all of your photos are so lovely. Such a lovely collection to have. And I love that Decembers is by the christmas tree in festive hats.. it’s got to be done really hasn’t it!? x

  4. I really love your December photo. You have a fantastic collection from the full year too. Looking forward to seeing your pictures in 2015.

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