Looking Back {The Ordinary Moments}

I was thinking back recently to when I started this blog. It was at a time when Little Man was just about three months old and he woke at 6am every day. I would bring him downstairs, whilst the rest of the house slept, and feed him on the sofa. We’d enjoy the quiet time, the sun just coming up outside and those couple of hours of it just being the two of us.

After his feed Little Man would doze next to me on the sofa – not sleepy enough to go back in his crib but too tired to stay awake. He would sleep on and off for a couple of hours and as LP wasn’t at school yet she always slept until at least 8am so I would spend those hours relaxing, pottering about downstairs and maybe putting some washing on.

Looking Back {The Ordinary Moments}

As the weeks went by, and our routine carried on in the same way, I realised I could be using those hours more productively and so, on an August morning at about 6:30am I registered my new domain name, bought hosting and by the time LP woke up I had started my very first self hosted blog with the aim of taking blogging more seriously.

Now, two and a half years later, both children sleep quite well – occasionally waking at 6:30am but more often than not it will be at least 7am before they stir. It made me think of those times when Little Man and I had those two hours of sleepy pyjama time to ourselves each day. Those days of maternity leave, no school runs and no real urgency at all. The days were slower, we spent much more time in our pyjamas and each day just flowed nicely into the next.

Without those tiny baby days and early mornings I don’t think I would have had the inclination, or time to ever start this blog. But I had two hours every day to fill with a sleeping baby by my side and writing seemed to be the perfect way to fill that time – typing with one hand whilst Little Man slept on my arm.

This is really one of those rambling posts. It’s one of those posts where you just get the thoughts out of your head and I now try and get to the point. Is there a point? Well, I will always look back at those baby days with such happiness. They were some of the hardest but best days and they now seem like such a long time ago. I miss those days but they gave me so much.

Those days cemented us into a family of four, they gave us a little routine and they were part of my last chunk of maternity leave – a time I really appreciated having. And those days gave me my blog.

Sleeping babies and blogging. It’s nice to look back every so often. The time really does go far too fast.

Looking Back {The Ordinary Moments}


  • Donna Wishart is married to Dave and they have two children, Athena (13) and Troy (11). They live in Surrey with their two cats, Fred and George. Once a Bank Manager, Donna has been writing about everything from family finance to days out, travel and her favourite recipes since 2012. Donna is happiest either exploring somewhere new, with her camera in her hand and family by her side or snuggled up with a cat on her lap, reading a book and enjoying a nice cup of tea. She firmly believes that tea and cake can fix most things.

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  1. Oh those sleepy cuddles of a newborn, how special are they? I first thought about starting a blog when I was on maternity leave with Alice, but I wasn’t brave enough. Oh how I wish I did because on my second maternity leave I finally plucked up courage and I love it. It’s funny what makes you do something that then becomes a big part of your life. X

  2. Aww, tiny LM! I remember reading your blog back when you had those few hours in the mornings , it doesn’t seem that long ago but look how much our kiddos have grown since then 🙂

  3. And look how far your amazing blog has come! Funny enough I have the same memories of snuggling on the sofa in the morning hours with my first, but I wasn’t nearly so productive, I remember watching a lot of TV!

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