Four Forever {The Ordinary Moments}

Last summer, in the early hours of the morning of LP’s fifth Birthday she woke up crying. Really crying, because she didn’t want it to be her Birthday. She wanted to be four forever.

This little girl had experienced such a great year – a year of starting school, her first time on an aeroplane and her first proper family holiday abroad. She was at the end of the best summer she had ever had and she just didn’t want anything to change. She wanted everything to carry on – and she wanted to hold onto that by being four forever.

Four Forever {The Ordinary Moments}

But, she had her Birthday, her gifts and her party, insisting throughout that she wasn’t going to be five just yet. She wasn’t ready. She wanted to be four forever.

I thought this would be a phase, short lived and lasting just a few weeks, a couple of months at best but no, here we are five months later and LP is still insisting she is four. We ask her how old she’s going to be on her next, sixth, Birthday and she says four. She wants to be four forever.

We have something fun planned for a couple of weeks time, a little outing for LP and I as Little Man isn’t quite old enough. But, LP has to be five to participate. Yet, when anyone asks her how old she is she tells them four – she really does want to be four forever.

So LP is turning into a modern day Peter Pan, a little girl who just doesn’t want to grow up. She’s petite and only just starting to wear age four clothes and so can easily pass for the four year old that she so desperately still wants to be. And for now we are letting her carry on, believing that she is still four and who really knows – maybe she really will be four forever.

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  • Donna Wishart

    Donna Wishart is married to Dave and they have two children, Athena (12) and Troy (11). They live in Surrey with their two cats, Fred and George. Once a Bank Manager, Donna has been writing about everything from family finance to days out, travel and her favourite recipes since 2012. Donna is happiest either exploring somewhere new, with her camera in her hand and family by her side or snuggled up with a cat on her lap, reading a book and enjoying a nice cup of tea. She firmly believes that tea and cake can fix most things.

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  1. This is just adorable, ours on the other hand keeps asking when she can be 12 as that’s when I have promised to take her to New York! Thanks for hosting x

  2. That is so cute, bless her. It’s normally the parents that want them to stay little and they are usually desperate to be older. So this is really special. You might have to start carrying round her birth certificate to prove her age 🙂 x

  3. Awwww bless her – thats so sweet! I love the pic too, it captures her perfectly! Im intrigued to see how long the lasts? When she gets married and she’s like “as I’m 4, we will be living with mum and dad” hahha! I have a feeling Megs would do something like this, very head strong! x #ordinarymoments

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