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Introducing Book Subscription Boxes from Books2Door | AD

*This is a paid post

Reading is a big part of life for many families. From those first bedtime stories as babies, through to reading most days after school, it’s something many children and adults really enjoy. Now, thanks to Books2Door there’s a new way for your children to enjoy books – through Box2Door, the Books2Door book subscription service.

What is Box2Door?

Box2Door is a monthly book subscription box filled with hand-selected titles to help every child continue their love of reading as well as fun activities and merchandise to enjoy throughout the month too.

How does the Books2Door subscription work?

Each month, your child receives a box of books chosen to suit their age. The Books2Door team carefully prepare each box, adding two or three books and other little surprises that the children are sure to love.

Book Subscription Boxes from Books2Door

The boxes come in three different age ranges – 0-3 years, 4-6 years and 7-10 years – so you can pick the perfect box for the child you’re buying for. Subscriptions can also be cancelled at any time so if you want to buy a one off box, a monthly box for a year or just boxes for three or six months, you can have a subscription that works for you and your budget.

Book Subscription Boxes from Books2Door

The Books2Door subscription

We received our first Books2Door subscription box last week. Aimed at age 7 to 10, it included three books plus a word search and a bag to colour in – with a cute animal picture on one side and a Books2Door logo on the other. Felt tip pens were also included and Little Man really enjoyed these activities.

Book Subscription Boxes from Books2Door

The first book was a Christie and Agatha’s Detective Agency story, A Discovery Disappears. This wasn’t a series I was familiar with but I absolutely loved the concept. Twin sisters, working as detectives to work out who is trying to ruin Mr Fleming’s reputation! We all love a whodunnit book and this is a fantastic choice for kids. Plus, it comes with a free audiobook too.

Book Subscription Boxes from Books2Door

The next book was The Person Controller by David Baddiel. This is a series we’ve read previously and find his books to be really funny and well written with great illustrations. The children always find them really engaging and love to read them.

Book Subscription Boxes from Books2Door

The last book was Eyewitness Animals, a fantastic DK non-fiction book. I love that Books2Door include non-fiction books as many families focus on just having story books at home – but it’s lovely to have a wider variety of reading materials for children to enjoy.

Book Subscription Boxes from Books2Door

Many children really enjoy non-fiction books, loving to learn something new as they don’t find it as easy to immerse themselves in a story. Non-fiction books are often great to dip in and out of too. By including Eyewitness Animals, Books2Door have ticked a lot of boxes for a lot of different children.

Little Man really enjoyed reading the books. We both really liked that they had varying levels of difficulty so seven year olds could read some of the smaller books and could then read The Person Controller with a parent or older sibling.

On the flip side, Little Man is at the top of the age range and enjoyed the easy read that Christie and Agatha’s Detective Agency provided, loved the Eyewitness Animals book as he really enjoys facts, and he has started reading The Person Controller. It’s something he’ll read bit by bit throughout the month and is more of a challenge for him.

The Books2Door subscription box has been designed to help inspire a children’s love of reading at home by capturing imaginations, sparking discussions and having fun whilst reading. I think they have definitely succeeded with this.

The subscription boxes are fantastic. They’re a great way to introduce children to a wide range of books and would make a really lovely gift that would last long after the child’s birthday or any other occasion.

Book Subscription Boxes from Books2Door

How much does the Books2Door subscription cost?

The Books2Door subscription costs just £9.99 per month including postage costs. There are no extra or hidden costs to pay at all. Your first delivery gets sent when you sign up and then each subsequent box is delivered in the first week of each month.

Book Subscription Boxes from Books2Door

The books in our box had a combined value of £21, immediately showing that the £9.99 subscription fee is great value, especially considering the free postage and extra activities you also receive each month.

Book Subscription Boxes from Books2Door

We love the Books2Door book boxes and we will be recommending them to everyone as a great gift idea for children. I just hope they bring out subscription boxes for adults in the future!

You can find out more about the Books2Door book subscription service and subscribe over on their website.

Book Subscription Boxes from Books2Door
Book Subscription Boxes from Books2Door


  • Donna Wishart

    Donna Wishart is married to Dave and they have two children, Athena (12) and Troy (11). They live in Surrey with their two cats, Fred and George. Once a Bank Manager, Donna has been writing about everything from family finance to days out, travel and her favourite recipes since 2012. Donna is happiest either exploring somewhere new, with her camera in her hand and family by her side or snuggled up with a cat on her lap, reading a book and enjoying a nice cup of tea. She firmly believes that tea and cake can fix most things.

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