Time to Relax {The Ordinary Moments}
The Ordinary Moments is a chance to celebrate the little things that happen in your day to day life, the normal things. When blogging we tend to focus on the big milestones but the small, ordinary things are just as special and important.
It’s not often we get to spend good quality time as a family – a couple of hours here and there around Dave’s shifts. But one thing we like to do in those few hours is relax, have a cup of tea (coffee in Dave’s case) and just ‘be’ for a while.
Little Man has started being a lot more interactive and has started rolling onto his sides a lot. He loves to just lay on the floor, tug at his socks, roll on his sides, chew his fists and laugh at us! We love to entertain him – blowing raspberries, making noises, plying boo. Anything to get a reaction. Even LP joins in trying to copy the noises and blowing raspberries on his tummy after nappy changes.
These times are lovely, the four of us just relaxing together. It’s nice to have no plans, nothing that we have to be doing and just time to be a family.
Time to relax.
Definitely moments to treasure. Time to just be together as a family without any pressure of having to be somewhere or get something done is just so precious isn’t it, and makes up for all the time you had to tag team just to keep on top of everything!
Definitely! It’s also nice not having people round and having to ‘entertain’ or going somewhere and it all being hard work. It’s lovely to just ‘be’ x
Because of Hubby’s shifts we can’t do it regularly. I’d love every Sunday to be a perfect lazy one 🙂 x
Sounds like the perfect recipe for lovely memory making moments
It goes so quickly doesn’t it? I know that before I even get a moment to enjoy it all Little Man will be turning 1 too! x
Gorgeous! The look of love from daddy is priceless!