Siblings {October 2017}

Looking back through this month’s photos I think it has been our most naturally outdoorsy month to date. We haven’t tried to get outside more – and as a family we tend to be fair weather outdoors types by nature – but I have made a point of going out with the children when we have a couple of hours spare rather than waiting for a whole day free.

Siblings {October 2017}
Siblings {October 2017}
Siblings {October 2017}

The children love being outside and they love it even more when they’re outside together. They run around, chase each other, play games and collect so many things – they always come home with pockets full of nature.

Siblings {October 2017}
Siblings {October 2017}
Siblings {October 2017}

This month has been kind to us as far as the weather’s concerned. We have had more dry days that wet ones and we have been able to do so much – although a lot has been overshadowed by school and doing jobs at home. But, we have still been out a lot, gone on lots of little adventures and given the children so much time together.

Siblings {October 2017}

This month the children have loved going to school together. I think the routine has really cemented itself now and they are used to being dropped off together, picked up together and seeing each other at lunch and play times.

Siblings {October 2017}
Siblings {October 2017}
Siblings {October 2017}
Siblings {October 2017}

The novelty has worn off – but they still love it. It’s not a novelty anymore, it’s just their new normal and they couldn’t be happier. They also love that the time they have after school they can share together – doing activities, going to the park or even going to soft play as a real, occasional, Friday treat.

Siblings {October 2017}
Siblings {October 2017}
Siblings {October 2017}

We have all settled into our new routine – and it’s working. The children are happy, we’re happy and life is good. This has been a nice month of pretty ordinary life – but we’ve loved it and that really sums things up at the moment. Life is good.


  • Donna Wishart is married to Dave and they have two children, Athena (13) and Troy (11). They live in Surrey with their two cats, Fred and George. Once a Bank Manager, Donna has been writing about everything from family finance to days out, travel and her favourite recipes since 2012. Donna is happiest either exploring somewhere new, with her camera in her hand and family by her side or snuggled up with a cat on her lap, reading a book and enjoying a nice cup of tea. She firmly believes that tea and cake can fix most things.

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  1. It makes such a difference to get outside, doesn’t it, even just for a couple of hours? My two love it and they run off some energy! Glad you’re settled into the new normal there, it’s amazing how quickly it becomes the norm and everyone gets used to it x

  2. Oh babes I think these are my favorite siblings posts of yours ever!!! That one of them holding hands in the tunnel is a framer. They really are two peas in a pod they sound like my two together at school. They look like little twins here. So cute. Hope you have just as much outdoor adventure next month. We haven’t been out as much as it’s been down pouring a lot lately. More than usual. #littleloves

  3. I love this post – so many fab pictures 🙂 It’s lovely that they’re enjoying going to school together – I remember how much I loved seeing my big brother in the playground when we were at school. I’m very much looking forward to the day when both mine are at school together too!

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