Making Your Home More Private

*This is a collaborative post

If you sit and reflect on your home, do you feel safe and private? If you answer no, you need to do something about it. You must feel private at home. After all, it is your safe space. It is a place for you to feel relaxed, and nobody can interfere. 

Using this guide, you can find the best ways to make your house more private.

Add glazing to your windows

To make you feel safe and more private in your home, it is a good idea to add glazing to your windows. Glazing will help to change what people can see from the outside. Meanwhile, it will feel the same for you inside. 

At a place like the clear amber shop, you can find secondary glazing to change the light you receive from your windows. You can use patterned axgard to make your home more private. This will not change the appearance of the windows, but it will be more difficult to see inside for passersby.

Window coverings are ideal

You can make your home more private with more window coverings. Blinds and curtains are not only good for interior aesthetics, but they will also make you feel more private when at home.

If you take window coverings down, you will feel exposed. Hence, it will provide the opposite effect when you put more up. Add them to every room, and you will notice a huge difference in how private you feel at home.

Gates are a must

If you don’t have gates outside your property, you need to reconsider your idea. Outside gates will deter people from your property as they will look secure. Nobody is going to try to bypass your gates and enter your property. 

Gates will increase your home’s curb appeal, which will boost your chances of selling it quickly if you wish to sell your home in the future.

Protecting your exterior with more features

It is a great idea to add more exterior features to your home to surround the fences. These will boost the privacy that they offer. 

You could add more trees and shrubs. These will make your garden look nicer while making it more private. Plus, you can make a secure border around your home for more security and privacy.

Higher fences are good

It is also good to install higher fences, as these will stop people from looking in easily. It can be annoying to be lying on the sofa and see people walking past your home and looking in. You can put a stop to this by making your fences higher. 

Some local councils have fence height restrictions. It is good to look into those. Then, you can be sure your fence is legal and can remain up.

Add a trellis to your fence

To add more height to your fence, it is good to add a trellis. Trellis can make your fence look nicer and enhance its security. 

The higher your fence is, the more privacy you will have. This is a great idea if you have a fence height limit as trellis doesn’t count into that.

External walls are good to consider

Fences are much easier to install than external walls. They are more affordable and take less time. However, external walls are longer-lasting and will make your home more private. 

A fence is easier for an intruder or passerby to damage. An external wall is hard to damage. Hence, it will remain useful for a long time.

Outside lights are great for more privacy

Another way to make your home a more private place is to add outside lights. What a great idea, right? They are pretty and private. A double win!

Putting outside lights on will make your home look nice at night. They will also make it look like someone is home. Even if you aren’t at home, your house will look occupied. We all want to gain that, don’t we? 

Beautiful plants are not just for appearance

More landscaping around your property will create a barrier. Trees and tall shrubs are good to have. But adding more plants and other features will make the garden more secure. It is easy to do, and you will see immediate results!

You will need to do more garden maintenance. But it will be worth it if you want a beautiful and private home. You can have a more colorful garden. 

Good old cameras can do the trick

If you do not have CCTV cameras in your home, it will be a great idea to add them. CCTV cameras will help you keep an eye on your property when you are not there. Plus, you can feel safer as you will always be able to monitor your home. 

They can be installed while being invisible to the eye. Hence, they will not ruin how your property looks. Plus, they will not be able to spot passersby and potential intruders. You can use footage as evidence if something happens and always feel private and safe.

They are good to add to every corner of the home. You will want maximum protection, right? Having a camera on each corner will help you gain that. 

A standard garden shed can go a long way

A garden shed can be useful for many reasons. You can store your things and keep your garden tidy. But it can also help you make your home more private. 

They can block out noise and also provide your garden with more features to block people from looking into your home. You don’t need to spend a lot on a shed. A cheap wooden one can last years and give you the safety and privacy you are looking for.

Using this guide, you can find the best ways to make your home more private. Adding higher fences and landscaping will make your home look nicer and feel more private. It is good to feel private in your home. It promotes relaxation. Hence, use these ideas to have a safer and more private home.


  • Donna Wishart is married to Dave and they have two children, Athena (13) and Troy (11). They live in Surrey with their two cats, Fred and George. Once a Bank Manager, Donna has been writing about everything from family finance to days out, travel and her favourite recipes since 2012. Donna is happiest either exploring somewhere new, with her camera in her hand and family by her side or snuggled up with a cat on her lap, reading a book and enjoying a nice cup of tea. She firmly believes that tea and cake can fix most things.

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