LP, Today you are Seven

To our Dearest Little Pickle,

It feels like yesterday I was writing my last letter to you, just before your sixth birthday when you were about to go into Year Two. Now, you’ve finished your last year at Infants and in a few short days you’ll be starting at Juniors – a whole new chapter in your life.

LP , Today you are Seven
LP , Today you are Seven

You love school and it has instilled in you a love of reading that I am just so proud of. You devour books, reading anything that comes across your path, and soaking up information like a sponge – exclaiming the most random of facts at the most random of times.

LP , Today you are Seven
LP , Today you are Seven

This year has been a big year for you. You have only grown very slightly, your feet are only half a size bigger than they were this time last year and you’re in age 5-6 clothes but you have definitely grown so much in personality. You have had so many experiences, weekends away and days out and you have loved every adventure you have been on. This year we are spending your birthday in Florida and it may well be your biggest adventure yet.

LP , Today you are Seven
LP , Today you are Seven

This year you had chicken pox – which wasn’t the best experience but you dealt with it so well. You were so grown up, so understanding and your main concern was missing a week of school. You have also lost your first two teeth this year – with two more wobbling at the moment.

LP , Today you are Seven

LP, you are brave, sensitive, friendly and fun. You always put other people’s needs before your own and are always the first to check that everyone is ok. You have so many friends and just a couple of ‘best’ friends, preferring to be friends with absolutely everyone.

LP , Today you are Seven
LP , Today you are Seven

You love being my mini-me. Wearing glasses just to match me, wanting our hair to be the same and always talking about our ginger-ness. You spot other ginger people wherever we go and love when you see someone else in that special club of ours.

LP , Today you are Seven

Little Pickle, you make us so happy. You are so lovely to be around, you are a light in our life and you are the best seven year old I know. I can’t quite believe we are here already, with you going to the big school that we always spoke about and you being so close to being double digits – you really aren’t a baby anymore.

LP , Today you are Seven
 LP , Today you are Seven

But, you still give cuddles – the most amazing cuddles – and you are still happy to snuggle up and watch a movie together. You love nothing more than being close to your Daddy, your brother and I. But, your brother is still your favourite person and I know how much you love having him in your life. You are two peas in a pod although Little Man is now slightly taller than you.

LP , Today you are Seven
LP , Today you are Seven

Happy Birthday LP. You made us parents and you make us so proud every day. Six was such a lovely year for you but I have a feeling seven is going to be even better – I cannot wait to see where the next year takes you.

With love always,

Mummy and Daddy xx

LP , Today you are Seven


  • Donna Wishart is married to Dave and they have two children, Athena (13) and Troy (11). They live in Surrey with their two cats, Fred and George. Once a Bank Manager, Donna has been writing about everything from family finance to days out, travel and her favourite recipes since 2012. Donna is happiest either exploring somewhere new, with her camera in her hand and family by her side or snuggled up with a cat on her lap, reading a book and enjoying a nice cup of tea. She firmly believes that tea and cake can fix most things.

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