LP at (Nearly) 17 Months!

I realised earlier that I haven’t told you about my perfect LP in quite a while so I thought it’d be a good reason to do another blog post!

LP is amazing, and there is now no denying that she’s not a baby anymore – she is very much a perfect little person in her own right.

I have no idea how much LP weighs, or how tall she is, but she’s in the right size clothes for her age now – 12-18 months, and is in size 4 nappies. To be honest, I now think she’ll be in size 4 nappies until she’s potty trained! LP will always be a petite little thing.

LP has an amazing appetite, eating literally anything we give her. She now refuses to eat anything that we put on a plate in front of her unless she has a spoon and fork with it and she is becoming incredibly skilled at using these. All her food we now give on ‘normal’ adult plates and she drinks from either a toddler drinks cup with a straw or at dinner times she uses a doidy cup. She will eat a huge amount and continues to amaze us with the things she will eat. I wouldn’t say she has any real dislikes where food is concerned, but she has definite favourites – mash potato, jacket potato, beans, cheese and mango. Not all at once obviously.

Dave and I say often how glad we are that we did Baby Led Weaning as it has been such a smooth transition from LP being a Baby with a purely milk diet, to less than a year later and her being at the stage with food that she’s at now. It’s great to watch her progress.

LP now has a consistent nap time routine and the same at bed time. At nap times, we put her in her sleeping bag, in her cot, with the curtains closed and after moaning to herself for ten or so minutes she’ll be asleep for anything up to 2 hours. The same at bed time although she has her bath and bedtime story first. The only variation of this is that when she’s with her childminder she generally doesn’t nap, but she’ll still have her bedtime routine. It has taken us a long time to get to this point with LP’s sleep but it has been a good journey to be on. LP is now happy going to sleep and we are confident that she can go to sleep by herself. Generally she’ll sleep from 7:30/8pm through to anywhere between 7:30am and 10am unless she’s going to the childminder first thing when I have to wake her at 7am.

LP still has 6 teeth, has no interest in walking but gets around the house as quick as anything! She can crawl at the speed of light and holds onto furniture to cruise around the room. She’s still in her first pair of ‘cruising’ shoes – 3.5F.

LP also recognises a lot of words and follows simple requests – Can you get that? Where do we go for dinner? Where’s your room? She’ll also say Bye and wave as well as giving proper kissy-face kisses and making the mwah noise. She gives the best cuddles, often unprompted and says ‘Ta’ every time anyone gives her anything or you give her anything back.

The funniest thing she has learned is when you say to her ‘Have you done a poo?’ She’ll look at you with a really serious look on her face and point to the front of her nappy! This is irrelevant of whether she has done a poo or not! She also helps you put your shoes on, tries to put her shoes and socks on by herself and loves undoing zips and pointing to her buttons.

All in all, LP is a joy to be around. She is a beautiful little person and I know that she will be an amazing Big Sister in May.

LP at (Nearly) 17 Months!


  • Donna Wishart is married to Dave and they have two children, Athena (13) and Troy (11). They live in Surrey with their two cats, Fred and George. Once a Bank Manager, Donna has been writing about everything from family finance to days out, travel and her favourite recipes since 2012. Donna is happiest either exploring somewhere new, with her camera in her hand and family by her side or snuggled up with a cat on her lap, reading a book and enjoying a nice cup of tea. She firmly believes that tea and cake can fix most things.

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