Jigsaws {The Ordinary Moments}

LP has always loved jigsaws. We have so many wooden peg jigsaws where she has to fit the right character in the right position but most of those puzzles she can now do without any thought, she is swiftly outgrowing all of them.

At Christmas LP’s Great Aunt and Uncle bought her a big farm floor puzzle and ever since LP has been obsessed with the box it came in – taking the pieces out of the box and then putting them back in again. She is fascinated by it!


This new puzzle fascination recently stepped up a gear and LP decided to actually make the puzzle. It was great to see how her mind would work. First, she put any pieces together, figuring out how a puzzle worked but paying no attention to the picture.


LP then started to realise that there were animals on the puzzle – She pointed out a cat and dog, then cows and sheep. LP started to understand that the puzzle pieces made a picture!


Before we knew it, LP had worked out that she could put the picture together herself! Literally in the space of half an hour playing LP went from the puzzle pieces being put together randomly to putting together a section of jigsaw all by herself! I was amazed – The speed at which LP is learning constantly surprises me!


Jigsaws have been a regular part of our lives since LP was very small and they will continue to play a part in our lives now LP has found this new love of floor puzzles. I can’t wait for Little Man to be a little bit bigger and to start enjoying jigsaws too.


  • Donna Wishart is married to Dave and they have two children, Athena (13) and Troy (11). They live in Surrey with their two cats, Fred and George. Once a Bank Manager, Donna has been writing about everything from family finance to days out, travel and her favourite recipes since 2012. Donna is happiest either exploring somewhere new, with her camera in her hand and family by her side or snuggled up with a cat on her lap, reading a book and enjoying a nice cup of tea. She firmly believes that tea and cake can fix most things.

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  1. This puzzle is my son’s new favorite puzzle to do. What a great moment to capture. I love these ordinary moments that we can focus on because they grow up ever too quickly.

  2. My 4 year old loves puzzles – she’s got 5 or 6 now, and we tend to do at least one every day. She’s gone from needing a lot of guidance to doing them all by herself now. I love them too – it’s made me want to buy a puzzle for myself! Great ordinary moments post xx

  3. Lovely! I’ve passed my love of jigsaws to our little bear. Just this morning (after a lovely lie-in!) while still in our pjs, we did all of her jigsaws one after the other. We had great fun 🙂

  4. ahh clever girl! I love doing jigsaws and F used to be really into them but now just wants to race cars all day! its a really nice thing to do together i think x

  5. We are also a big fan of puzzles here, my little man has always loved doing them but now the trouble is his little sister enjoys destroying it all leaving him really frustrated. I hope one day she will enjoy it as much as my little man does.

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