Are you happy Mummy? {The Ordinary Moments}

Little Pickle knows when she has upset or annoyed me. She knows when she pushes me to the end of my tether and she knows when I’m really not happy with her. At these times LP does something that makes me smile without fail and then at the times when I am more annoyed that I have ever been LP even manages to make me laugh.

I’ll be angry, LP will be hiding behind her hands and the next thing I know, LP will be looking at me and she’ll say “Are you happy Mummy?”

No, LP, I’m not happy. Not one bit. But her saying that one thing reminds me that she’s two years old. She still a baby, my baby, and no matter what she does just having her there makes me smile. Even at the age of two she cares whether I’m happy and she does genuinely want to make me happy.

When I’m asked whether I’m happy I now laugh in exasperation and LP and I have a cuddle. She knows she’s upset me and often she’ll say sorry but either way it doesn’t matter anymore.

“Are you happy Mummy?”

In that instant, with LP curled on my lap and my chin on her head I’m as happy as a Mummy can be.

Are you happy Mummy? {The Ordinary Moments}


  • Donna Wishart is married to Dave and they have two children, Athena (13) and Troy (11). They live in Surrey with their two cats, Fred and George. Once a Bank Manager, Donna has been writing about everything from family finance to days out, travel and her favourite recipes since 2012. Donna is happiest either exploring somewhere new, with her camera in her hand and family by her side or snuggled up with a cat on her lap, reading a book and enjoying a nice cup of tea. She firmly believes that tea and cake can fix most things.

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  1. Awww, this is adorable. And my little man went through a phase of doing the exact same thing. Whenever we got even the tiniest bit cross, he’d ask if we were happy, and if we said no he’d just keep asking on and off until we said we were. He was especially funny about it at bedtime, as if he couldn’t sleep if he didn’t know we were happy. As a result “are you happy?” “yes I’m happy, are you happy” “yes I am” is still part of bedtime every single night.
    Toddlers are strange little creatures, but so so cute. x

  2. Ahhh this is so sweet and adorable. Also a clever way to cheer Mommy up. I would have to laugh and cuddle at that response too. So sweet. You are an adorable family here. So lucky. Happy Easter to you all. #ordinarymoments.

  3. This is so funny as F is always doing this to me and it makes me feel bad – not bad enough to stop telling him that i am unhappy with a lot of the things he is doing though 😉
    p.s LP looks SO like you in that pic x

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