Friends {The Ordinary Moments}
LP has got a few good friends that she has known for most, or all, of her life. These are as good as family to her and we see them as often as we can. LP is so affectionate at the moment and loves to kiss, cuddle and tell everyone that she loves them, especially her friends.
Back in May a good friend of mine and her family moved back to Scotland and it would be a lie if I said we hadn’t all felt a gap in our lives since. But my friend and her Daughter, one of LP’s friends, came back down to the area for a couple of days just over a week ago and with a bit of juggling with work LP, Little Man and I managed to go and visit our friends for the day.
We had such a lovely day and it was as if they had never been away. We talked, they played and it was so lovely to see the children together again. LP kept holding her friend’s hand and I was glad to see that they remembered each other and loved playing together.
The day flew by and before we knew it hometime had come. But we had a lovely day and drove home happy but exhausted. It may be another few months before we see each other again but I know that whenever that may be we will carry on from where we left off. Those really are the best kind of friendships.
How lovely that you were able to catch up, and great that the girls remembered each other and got on so well. We moved away and I really miss the friends I made when I had Ethan #OrdinaryMoments
What a sweet post and how adorable is that photo of them both! x