
Weight Watchers Frozen Desserts Review

Disclosure: We were sent the featured products for the purpose of this post however all opinions are my own.

As any regular reader will know, we are huge Weight Watchers fans in our house and always have Weight Watchers friendly meals and treats but we don’t get to try Weight Watchers products very often. I always have Weight Watchers frozen ready meals in the freezer but that’s about it. We were recently sent vouchers to try some of the Weight Watchers frozen desserts range and I was quite looking forward to indulging in some frozen treats to satisfy our sweet tooth!

Review: Weight Watchers Frozen Desserts

What Weight Watchers Frozen Desserts are available?

The first treat we tried was the Weight Watchers Mini Pot Swirls. These come in a pack of four with two different flavours – Weight Watchers Chocolate Honeycomb and Toffee Fudge. These flavours are great for Dave and I because I tend to prefer chocolatey puddings and Dave usually likes to try the toffee, fudge, caramel type desserts!

Review: Weight Watchers Frozen Desserts

Both flavours were lovely, rich and creamy, quite sweet but not sickly and rather than tasting like ice cream they were more like an indulgent frozen yogurt. I was impressed with the portion size and in a blind taste test I would never have guessed that the Mini Pot Swirls were a low fat product. For 2 Weight Watchers Pro Points per pot I think there are great value as far as points are concerned and a lovely low point treat. We will definitely be buying these again!

Review: Weight Watchers Frozen Desserts

The next product we tried were the Weight Watchers 8 Mini Sticks. These are a pack of eight individually wrapped ice cream treats covered in a choice of either milk or white chocolate.

Review: Weight Watchers Frozen Desserts

I was really looking forward to trying these Mini Sticks as they are similar to alternative full fat products that we’ve had in the past. Sadly, we were disappointed. The Mini Sticks weren’t so much mini but minute. The flavours were great with creamy middle and a coating that tasted like really good quality chocolate. Unfortunately the size let them down and I don’t think they are worth 3 Weight Watchers Pro Points per Mini Stick. These are one that we won’t be buying in future but we’ll definitely try more Weight Watchers desserts and Weight Watchers frozen meals too.

Review: Weight Watchers Frozen Desserts

Weight Watchers have now moved over to Smartpoints and have so many new desserts like Weight Watchers Double Chocolate Brownies, Weight Watchers Salted Caramel Torte and Weight Watchers Mango & Passion Fruit Cheesecake available for eight smart points per serving.

Weight Watchers Frozen Desserts


  • Donna Wishart is married to Dave and they have two children, Athena (13) and Troy (11). They live in Surrey with their two cats, Fred and George. Once a Bank Manager, Donna has been writing about everything from family finance to days out, travel and her favourite recipes since 2012. Donna is happiest either exploring somewhere new, with her camera in her hand and family by her side or snuggled up with a cat on her lap, reading a book and enjoying a nice cup of tea. She firmly believes that tea and cake can fix most things.

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  1. I’ve always been intrigued by the WW products, always assumed they were bland and just not very nice, can’t believe how diddy those mini sticks are!

  2. I’ve tried quite a lot of Weight Watchers products over the years (my mum is a devotee!) and I think they are sometimes a bit hit and miss. I think sometimes if you calculate the points on a ‘normal’ food (a mini magum for instance) they’re not that much better!

  3. Where can I buy weight watchers desserts Iceland sainsbury’s asda no joy next stop Tesco but that means 2 buses Help please

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