Playdoh {The Ordinary Moments}

We don’t do ‘messy play’ in our house. The messiest we get is using the sand and water table in the summer. But this year I’ve decided to lighten up a bit, to at least see how LP takes to messy activities and try new things at home.

With this in mind we asked Santa to get LP a Playdoh set. The set LP was bought for Christmas was huge – 6 big pots of Playdoh, extra refills, cutters, scissors, things to squeeze the Playdoh through… So many accessories and bits and pieces. LP loved it straight away!


We’ve now played with the Playdoh set a few times. LP likes me to roll the Playdoh out so that it’s nice and flat – she then attacks it with whatever she feels like and orders me to make duck shapes, fish shapes and spaghetti out of it! I never really had Playdoh as a child so I love these times of playing with LP, things I didn’t experience growing up.


We have a few rules when it comes to Playdoh – LP can only use it at her table, whilst wearing her apron and her sleeves rolled back. On top of this, LP can only have one Playdoh colour out at a time – purely because I wouldn’t be able to handle pots of combined Playdoh colours! I may even turn ever so slightly OCD… LP has accepted these rules though and sits happily at her table playing with her Playdoh – one colour and then the next. She would play with Playdoh all day if she could and I love seeing her little creative mind at work!


It will be great when a time comes where LP can play with Playdoh by herself, unsupervised. For now though, I’m too concerned for the welfare of the sofa and curtains to leave her on her own with tubs of neon squidgyness. It also gives me the perfect excuse to play too! Little Man also loves to watch – he’s actually fixated on anything his Sister does which makes everything so much easier for me too! Before long LM will be playing with Playdoh too – or at least mushing it between his fingers and eating it! Nice.


I can see that Playdoh will now be a recurring theme in our lives, an ordinary moment.



  • Donna Wishart is married to Dave and they have two children, Athena (13) and Troy (11). They live in Surrey with their two cats, Fred and George. Once a Bank Manager, Donna has been writing about everything from family finance to days out, travel and her favourite recipes since 2012. Donna is happiest either exploring somewhere new, with her camera in her hand and family by her side or snuggled up with a cat on her lap, reading a book and enjoying a nice cup of tea. She firmly believes that tea and cake can fix most things.

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  1. I’m the same as Carie and have a bit of a love hate thing going on! Ours always gets everywhere and turns to brown as they always get mixed! Love the pics and am jealous of the order you manage to maintain!! 🙂

    1. LP is very good at following rules as long as they’re given up front and she isn’t tired – I’m very lucky in that sense! I know though that all order will go out the window once Little Man is crawling/walking as he already wants to be involved in everything! x

  2. My kids love their play doh! Boo creates and makes for ages, Little Man likes hitting it up throwing it – very different approaches! They only play with it at the kitchen table, where we have a tiled, easy to clean up, floor underneath!

  3. I have to confess, we don’t get the playdoh out all that often. It makes my borderline OCD husband twitchy especially, and my little lady is going through an eating everything phase. But whenever we do get it out to play with, my little man absolutely loves it. I really think I should get it out more. It certainly looks like your little lady enjoyed herself. x

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