‘Mummy, am I the Future?’ {The Ordinary Moments}
Neither Little Man or LP have really started to understand the concept of time yet. They know getting up time, breakfast time, school time, lunch time, home time, dinner time, bath time and bed time but they don’t really know what actual time that any of these things happen. On top of this they don’t have much concept of the past, present or future but LP has started learning about things like tenses at school and so her questions, and understanding, have taken a giant leap forward.
LP has been asking about the past, about things like what it was like for Dave and I growing up, where we lived, where we went to school and more about our families and where everyone is now. She has been asking question after question, whether – on the way to school – breakfast was the past and whether yesterday and last week were the past too.
But then she started asking about the future. She couldn’t really get her head around things that haven’t happened yet – and how would you know whether they were going to happen or not. The idea of tomorrow, next week and next summer were fine for her but anything else seemed to blow her mind. But then, she came out with something so serious, and so big for a five year old, that it pretty much stopped me in my tracks.
‘Mummy, am I the Future?’
It made me realise that actually, yes, LP – and Little Man too – are the future. As all of our children are. They are what we are doing everything for – they are the reason to make change in the world, to make it a better place, look for cures to illnesses, stop wars and make choices that can last generations.
But, on a smaller level, at home, I know that the things I show my children and the things I teach them now will stay with them until long after I am gone. I know the foundations we are building now will be things that the children remember and that they learn from. I know that it’s my job, as well as the other people in the children’s lives, to show them how to be good, kind and honest. How to be thankful, respectful and appreciative. To show them good values, good ethics and morals and to answer their questions as best as I can even if sometimes I don’t know all the answers.
Yes, LP, you are the future. A future that is bright, beautiful and full of hope. That future can be whatever you want it to be and I am sure you will walk towards it with an open mind and an open heart.
If you have an ordinary moment this week, come and link up with myself and Katie – we love reading your posts each week.
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Don’t they just make you sit back and wonder? Ours isn’t quite there yet but she is fascinated with time on clocks and will sit there watching her alarm clock for hours watching time pass x
It’s amazing watching and listening to the world through their eyes. Alice has been learning about families at school and asking about past generations. I did a family tree to explain it to her and she understood it better than I thought she would. But the future, blows her mind too. If I talk about her getting married and having children, who will be my grandchildren, was all a bit much for a 4 year old. But they are the future and it’s exciting and scary to see what the future will be for them x
I loved It when Eva grasped this and it really does make you think, even more so now Eva is older do I think how things Roma goes through now will shape even who she is when she is Eva’s age and it’s mind boggling! X
wow that is a stop you in the tracks moment. Children are the future but when you realise it is actually your children that are the future, well that is a little mind blowing!
Love this. She looks beautiful. I have problems answering the simple questions from my 2-year old, yesterday’s was “why can’t horses fly” AA she pointed to a horse with wings! #OrdinaryMoments
I love how their little brains process everything and are always SO on it and honest
I love listening and watching how they see things and see the world. It really is incredible to be part of that. I think it’s hard for them to see the future beyond their next birthday or Christmas. Time doesn’t go as fast when you are little as it does when you are a grown up. It is exciting though. Lovely photos x xx
Woah deep stuff there hahaa I love kids sayings and actually how much truth is in them! Shes so lovely! I was asking my kids where we should go on holiday this summer and E just said “I don’t want to go anywhere I just want to go do a wee” hahahahhahahahah erm not right now! x #ordinarymoments
Kids are just amazing – Izzie chatters constantly but sometimes she also comes out with absolute gems. They have the ability to be so deep without even meaning to be – its wonderful!